
Páginas: 2 (490 palabras) Publicado: 2 de junio de 2011
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Teresa Wilms Montt was born in Viña del Mar in 1893. As a young woman, Montt was sent to a convent as punishment for falling in love with a man while beingmarried. There, she wrote her first literary work, “Diario Intimo”, where she talked about her life, her love and her passion for a different, more liberal life. In 1916, helped by the Chilean poetVicente Huidobro, she escaped from the convent and moved first to Buenos Aires and then to Paris. She died in 1921, when she was only 28.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many talented Chileanwomen writers were censured by a society that mistrusted women who engaged in intellectual pursuits. In most cases, their works were lost forever after their deaths, and their names were omitted fromliterary annals. Today, Teresa Wilms´ works can be found in old book stores.

Her life and romantic love and her willingness to sacrifice everything for it became the subject of a Chilean film called“Teresa”. Directed by Tatiana Gaviola and sparring Francisca Lewin, the film made Teresa Wilms nacional news again.


Teresa Wilms Montt nació en Viña del Mar en 1893. Comomujer joven, Montt fue enviado a un convento como castigo por enamorarse de un hombre durante estaba casada. Allí, ella escribió su primera obra literaria, "Diario Intimo", donde ella habló sobre su vida,su amor y su pasión por lo diferente, una vida más liberal. En 1916, ayudado por el poeta chileno Vicente Huidobro, ella se escapó del convento y se trasladó primero a Buenos Aires y luego a París....
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