La Crueldasd

Páginas: 7 (1608 palabras) Publicado: 25 de febrero de 2013

A zombie is, originally, a legendary own figure of the regions where practical the educated voodoo. It is a question of a dead man revived by magic means by a wizard to turn it into his slave. In agreement with the belief, magical voodoo, it would be able of reviving a dead man, which would remain be submitted in forward to the person who returns to him to life.

In the fiction ofhorror, the zombies are undead persons as result of a post-mortem resuscitation, traditionally retarded and hungry of human meat.

It is possible to say that " from his first appearances in the literature, the word zombie already was related to the mourning, the death and the slavery "

Nvumbi A body without soul. – Angola
nzambi The spirit of a dead person. Kongo Area of the Congozan bibi or zan bii The translation to the Spanish would be " The coconut " and it is used to scare the children. Ewe, Mina Ghana, Togo, Benin
zumbi Returned (the one that has returned from the death).
Kikongo, Bonda Área of the Congo, Angola

Exist also versions in which, the zombification takes root in that the wizard inhales the soul of the victim across a crack in the door of hishouse, to then pass it into a bottle ; the person dies and is buried. Later, the wizard asks the keeper of the cemetery for permission of extracting the body and then to put under his nose the bottle with the soul of the victim, while he administers a special drug.

Across the popular culture there has been spread the belief of which that person turned in zombie was used for certain types of hardlabor, already be in plantations or as domestic servants Zombies in the popular culture

Cinema principal Article: Cinema of zombis. The cinema of zombis is a subkind of the cinema of terror, often fitted inside the Class B, but that possesses a wide representation of movies along the history. As independent kind, it possesses his own conventions, of which the only fundamental one is the presenceof " not dead men " or zombis. His principal one and more known maker is George A. Rosemary.

Some books on the matter in Castilian are Zombie evolution, of Jose Manuel Serrano Cueto, and Cinema Zombi, of Ángel Gómez Rivero, edited by Squid Editions in 2009, with more than 400 movies of the subject matter commented. Recently (November, 2009), in Argentina, Zombies was thrown! An encyclopedia ofthe cinema of alive dead men, of Luciano Saracino, edited by Fan Ediciones. Cómics Another case of zombies in the popular culture is the series of cómics Marvel Zombies, of Marvel Comics. Would another example be the manga Highschool of the Dead based on a holocaust zombi, likewise light manga/novela manga/novela Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? It takes a zombi as a protagonist. Also they do hisappearance in the saga of Thriller Bark, of the Japanese series One Piece; as well as in the saga The Walking Dead Of Image Comics, in addition, the family Tao (Shaman King) was using zombies as army. Also, in Hellsing's manga the level vampires 1, on having sucked the blood to a human being, turn them into living dead men. In DC Comics, stands out the personage of Solomon Grundy, a type of zombie of bigdimensions; a dead man re-lived of superhuman force and with the aptitude to return again and again of the death.

Diverse books exist worldwide that treat the topic of the zombis, as that of Max Brooks (son of Mel Brooks) with Zombie - Guide of survival and World war Z: An oral history of the war zombie.This book will be turn into a movie on april.


One of theappearances more remembered of zombies in the television is the video Thriller, of Michael Jackson in 1983, where they appear zombies dancing with the singer. To this scene has turned an important image of the popular massive culture in general. They have appeared also zombies in special chapters of series like The Simpsons, South Park, and Invader Zim. One of the Japanese series/anime gave to...
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