La Madre

Páginas: 5 (1237 palabras) Publicado: 24 de octubre de 2012
Halloween and Day of the Dead

In late October is a party with great anticipation to children, youth and adults. Everywhere Announce outfits and costumes ranging from the simplest to the most grotesque human mind can conceive. Why all the fuss at this time? For the Halloween celebrations, enthusiastically promoted by the schools and the hot spots. However, this "innocent" celebration is farfrom what people think. The reality is deeper and will have consequences on the lives of those involved in this festival. Ignoring its impact does not make us immune to them and, in recent years, last but not least, Mexico has risen as an alternative to traditional recovery Day of the Dead feast to counter this "foreign", is it the best choice?

Have you ever wondered about the existence of demonsand evil spirits? Do you think there is an invisible world with the power of manifestation in the material world? Can a man aspire to the knowledge of hidden forces? Where can I find true knowledge?

We can say that true knowledge comes from the Word of God, we will find real answers to these and more questions.

Today, many people do not believe in demons or evilspirits, however, one must understand that the universe and the invisible world there are two sources of knowledge and the fact that we accept it or not, does not alter this reality.

Witchcraft is an ancient practice, and covers a large number of variants, rites and customs, among which we list: the nature parapsychology with extrasensory phenomena, clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition(foreknowledge) and levitation demonstration mocking spirit, hypnosis, astrology, numerology, yoga, martial arts and other disciplines that claim to be unified with the cosmic forces are also a form of witchcraft, as expressed in the Bible.

Deuteronomy 29:29 tells us: "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and our children forever, to do all the words ofthis law." The dark and hidden aspect of witchcraft is the invocation of spirits, who have spoken and asked. People who practice it say "messengers of God." These mediums or seers say they have communication with the dead, which is totally impossible, because the Bible tells us that the spirit, once it leaves the body, back to who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:7). So all the manifestations that resultfrom these calls are the result of the rulers of the darkness, devoid of the physical body, but highly intelligent.

The famous Halloween celebration called Halloween and the Day of the Dead, is not laughing matter. There are a connecting door to the occult. Parents, for any reason, should support the wishes of their children or to promote the idea that it is a "play safe" or "memory" of theancient traditions. Y. .. What's wrong? Much ...! because all this is nothing but spiritual wickedness disguised as innocence, which eventually will bring unfortunate consequences.


October 31 is the most important commemorative day of the year for those who practice witchcraft.

The celebration of Halloween began with the ancient Celts, who were the inhabitants of EasternEurope, West and part of Asia Minor. Among them lived the Druids, priests, pagan worshipers of trees, especially oak, believed in the immortality of the soul, which, they said, could be introduced in another individual to leave the physical body. On October 31 the soul back home where he had lived on earth to seek food for their inhabitants, who were obliged to make provision for her because ifnot, they were "evil." It had a very sinister meaning for the return, the spirits of the dead were accompanied by witches and black cats, which were chased away by fires scattered across the road.

The Celtic year concluded on this date that coincides with the autumn, whose main characteristic is the falling leaves. To the Celts was the end, death or initiation of a new life. This doctrine is...
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