
Páginas: 3 (546 palabras) Publicado: 24 de enero de 2013
|Name: |Registration:
|Course title: PB09123 Inglés 3 TOEFL Preparation
|Module: 1. Strategies, Clauses and Sentences|Date: January 22, 2013


Procedure and Results:
Topic 2 -Collaborative - Reading - Helen Keller´

Find words or expressions in the text with a similar meaning to these.
Little children (paragraph 1) -little tots
Fixed (paragraph 2) - riveted
Withoutthought or meaning (paragraph 3) - fills out her meaning
Destroys completely (paragraph 4) - it isn’t the way to acquire language
Not realizing that something is happening (paragraph 4) - He must be keptas unconscious
Talk about unimportant things (paragraph 4) - Language should not be associated in his mind

Topic 3 - Collaborative - Reading - In search of the perfect home
1. More and morepeople build their own home

A so that they can live underground
B So that they can have exactly the home that they want
C because is cheaper than buying a new house
D because they want all themodern luxuries you find in a new home

2. John and Josephine Mew

A know that their choice of home is unusual
B found that creating their dream home was very easy
C wanted to live like peoplewould have in traditional castles
D converted an ancient building into a new home

3. What do Jonathan Ridley- Jones and Shannon Ridd say about their home?

A It’s just an ordinary home
B Theyalways wanted to live underground
C It doesn’t harm the environment
D They don’t pay anything for heating and lighting

4. Why did Dan build a tree house in his garden?

A He wants to persuadepeople to buy one
B His family wanted to live in a tree house
C He builds them for a living
D His family needed more room

5. The “Headington shark”

A was created by Bill Heines
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