
Páginas: 4 (754 palabras) Publicado: 11 de enero de 2014

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hola soy kajdkjdoqdjodjqwdjdjwoejdwksdjw me vale

me gustan los gatos

y la comida


y los perros jeje

Don’t worry, he’ll miss you. He screwed up and you did absolutely nothing wrong. He failed. He’s not smart enough. If he was smart, he would have realized what he was sayinggoodbye to. But he didn’t, and now he’s gone. Don’t call him telling him you him. Don’t even call him just to hear his voice and hang up. Don’t do it. You don’t miss him, you miss what you used to be.Right now you waiting for someone to prove to you, that you don’t need him. I promise that person is right around the corner, but you have to let go of him and his bullshit first. He’ll be back oneday, it will be him calling you saying he misses you every night. He’ll have his friends ask you if you still care about him. It will be your turn to just say, fuck you. You had me and you messed it allup. For now, find every reason to be happy without him, don’t message him, don’t comment him, and don’t talk to him in hallways. Just smile at him, and remind him that he let go of a perfect girl.Okay vamos a empezar, primero te voy a agradecer por TODO lo que has hecho por mi enserio, no hay palabras para agradecerte todo, eres una amiga que todos quisieran y que no muchos tienen, comotú no hay muchas, no hay muchas a las que les puedas contar tus problemas sin que te critiquen, no hay muchas que te acompañan para escuchar y aconsejarte de tus problemas, no hay muchas que songraciosas, divertidas, ni que cuando hago alguna ridiculez no me dejas atrás asiendo mis ridiculeces (bueno a veces si porque si soy muy rara jeje) no hay muchas que acepten todos tus defectos y loshacen los mejores, no hay muchas que te ayuden a corregir tus errores, y muchas cosas hay, pero en ti en todas esas estas tu. Tu sabes que siempre fuimos amigas desde 3ero de kínder, al principio no...
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