Martin luther king

Páginas: 2 (252 palabras) Publicado: 5 de septiembre de 2012
Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American pastor of the Baptist church that developed a crucial role in the U.S. at theforefront of the movement for civil rights for African Americans and also participated as an activist in numerous protests against the Vietnam War andpoverty in general.

This activity aimed at ending the American apartheid and racial discrimination through non-violent means, was awarded the NobelPrize in 1964 Paz. Four years later, at a time when his work was particularly aimed at the opposition to war and poverty, was assassinated in Memphis,he was preparing to lead a manifestación.4

Luther King, civil rights activist from a young, organized and carried out various peaceful activitiesdemanding the right to vote, non-discrimination and other basic civil rights for black people in America. Among her most memorable are the bus boycottin Montgomery in 1955, its support for the founding of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, in 1957 (of what would be its first president)and the leaders of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, in 1963, at the end of which he delivered his famous speech "I Have a Dream"(Yotengo un sueño) through which extend nationwide public awareness about rights movement civil and become one of the great orators of historyestadounidense.5

Most of the rights claimed by the motion be approved legally with the enactment of the Civil Rights Act and the Act on the right to vote.
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