Mi rutine en ingles

Páginas: 2 (340 palabras) Publicado: 26 de enero de 2012
My name is David Andres, I study at the University Francisco José de Caldas in which took up most of my time, but also I have free time which I do several activities since leavingwith me until I go to bed.

Monday morning's breakfast, I shower and go to college, studied at the college and the ILUD, on Monday afternoon lunch where my father, about thework and then go to university to study. On Monday night, watch TV and rest late Tuesday.
I have class the later in the morning on Tuesday I sleep a little longer, when I leave myhouse where my girlfriend and lunch with her. Tuesday evening study at night after I meet my girlfriend, she and I walk and eat on the streets or shopping malls.
Wednesdays in themorning of study and college ILUD, lunch anywhere.
In the afternoon on Wednesday, I enjoy playing poker, talking to my friends and listening to music.
At night I talk to my momand went out to eat.
Thursday I have no class in the morning on Thursday afternoon sleep and then I visit my family or I take my breast or visit my girlfriend. At night I connect tointernet, check my email, my face book, online poker game a little.

Friday study all day in the morning and afternoon, Friday lunch at the university.
When I leave school Ispy with my girlfriend, she and I went out and danced a little, or just eat something.

Saturdays in the morning I am with my mom and my niece, playing with my niece.
In theafternoon on Saturday walked out with my girlfriend shopping, buy clothes or go to amusement parks or play bowling or go out of Bogota, known elsewhere.
Every Sunday me and mygirlfriend go to church, then we will ciclovia, eat ice cream.
Sundays in the afternoon I go with my mom to eat on the street or visit my family or my mother and I stayed at home.
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