Mi vida

Páginas: 8 (1836 palabras) Publicado: 7 de diciembre de 2010
Hacksaw 3dsMax Tools


There are several different file formats that can be exported.

All file formats except for HAM, HSM, and HSA, can be exported with both File->Export and File->Export Selected.
HAM, HSM, and HSA can only be exported with File->Export.

Hidden objects are not exported – HOWEVER hidden FACES ARE EXPORTED.
If you see faces show up that you are notexpecting, check for hidden faces in the mesh.

HMD – this is a standard, non-animated model. Vertex colors are not supported. Collision is supported. Supports dummy objects, splines, and lights.

HSN – this is a scene – it is intended to be a stationary world object with frustum culling. Vertex colors are supported. Normals are optional. Collision is supported. Supports dummy objects, splines, andlights. LIGHTMAPS ARE SUPPORTED VIA MAX SHELL MATERIAL.

COL – this is a collision scene – it has no texturing or normal data, but DOES know the names of materials applied to it, so that the programmer can tell what materials he/she is colliding with. Vertex colors are also available from collisions. It is the counterpart of the HSN, and is intended for invisible collision volumes for a scene.Supports dummy objects, splines, and lights.

HAM – This is an animated mesh that uses morph-targets for animation. It is larger than a skinned mesh, but allows animation effects that cannot be done easily with skinned meshes (rippling objects, scaling, etc.). HAM files support TAGS ( which are basically animated dummy objects ) for animating attachment points. Vertex colors are not supported.Collision is not supported with HAM files. .Motion blending is supported. Does NOT support dummy objects, splines, or lights.

HSM – This is a skinned mesh that uses a skeleton for animation. The HSM file does not itself contain animation, but contains the basic mesh and binding information. .). HSM files support TAGS ( which are basically animated dummy objects ) for animating attachmentpoints. Vertex Colors are not supported. Collision is not supported with HAM files. Motion blending is supported. Does NOT support dummy objects, splines, or lights.

HSA - This is the counterpart animation file for an HSM. An HSM can reference MANY HSA files. You should make an HSA for each individual animation. Does NOT support dummy objects, splines, or lights.


All files (Except COL files, which are invisible ) are viewable in the Hacksaw Viewer.

Media files can be dragged onto the Viewer to be examined. The Viewer supports animation previewing, FSAA, stencil shadows, light blur, and also allows you to preview in Wireframe mode.

A useful tool in the Viewer is the Media exporter. Accessible from the menu bar,
The Media Exporter allows you to save all thetextures from any objects in the scene to another folder. This is an excellent way to clean up unused textures
in large scenes that may have hundreds of textures.

The Viewer also allows you to assemble scenes of instanced objects..

When exporting all files (Except animated meshes) you may include dummy objects, splines, and lights.

The lights from scene files will automatically be set up inthe viewer upon load.

To include another model in an object ( for instance, to place a character in a scene )–
Create a dummy object ( a point ). Right click on it in max, select PROPERTIES, and choose the user data tab. Enter in the local path to the model you would like
To appear. This model will be automatically loaded and placed at this location/orientation.

Special Objects

Camera– to select a starting location for the camera, create a dummy/point, and rename it to Camera

Camera look target – to select a look target for the camera, create a dummy/point, and rename it to Target

Camera spline path – to have the camera move along a preset spline path, create a spline path and name it CameraPath

Skybox – To create a skybox, create a dummy/point, and rename it to...
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