
Páginas: 3 (514 palabras) Publicado: 17 de mayo de 2012

James J. Braddock, a heavyweight boxing contender, who was in perfect shape and rising up the rankings due to his amazing boxing skills, suffers the consequences ofthe inclement crash of 1929 better known as “The Great Depression”, taking away every earnings and savings he had, and forcing him and his family to move to the New Jersey slums. With this huge lost heunderstood that the only concern he had was to provide for his family, and take care of them, so he ended up fighting lousy and mediocre bouts for a pretty small reward. One day his old manager founda way to involve him in a championship, and even knowing that he was just lamb meat for the contender he accepted to fight; driven by love, honor and an incredible dose of grit, he willed animpossible dream to come true. In a last-chance bid to help his family, Braddock returned to the ring. No one thought he had a chance, people thought that he wasn’t in shape anymore; but the results weredifferent than expected, Braddock knocked the opponent out giving him another chance to fight in the championship, and keeping the winning streak he made it to the big fight, the final fight with Max Bearthe recent champion. In a fifteen round intense match Braddock won and earned Max Bear’s belt, making worthy every down and out Braddock suffered, returning hope for his family and him, and turninghim into the new heavyweight Champion.

In my opinion I did enjoy this book, and not sure if it was purely for nostalgic reasons or because it is a great story, because not only about the huge crashEEUU had after the “Roaring Twenties” in the already quoted “Great Depression”, but the harsh things American’s had to deal with back then; this book tells the story of a loving and courageous familyman. When the most difficult moment of his life came out, he determined that he had to take care of his family no matter what; for example his wife trying to comfort him with the boxing, but also...
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