
Páginas: 2 (399 palabras) Publicado: 27 de abril de 2013
A young Indian prince had been sick for some time and at last developed a strange idea. He thought he was a cow. Since it was the practice in his religion to sacrifice animals, he also insisted onbeing sacrificed like all other cows. Finally, an old village doctor was called in to treat him. The old doctor pretended that he was a priest and that he had come to sacrifice the prince. He took outa long knife and began to feel the prince’s arms and legs to find the best place to cut him. Then suddenly he stopped. He said that this animal was much too thin and weak to sacrifice. It would be aninsult to their religion to sacrifice such a poor cow.
The prince was naturally very much displeased, but he agreed with the doctor that he must get fatter if he wished to be sacrificed. He thereforebegan to eat and drink in great quantities. He ate and ate, and, as the weeks passed, he grew much fatter. But at the same time he also grew stronger, and his health improved. In fact, he soon feltso much better that he forgot all about being a cow.

Un joven príncipe indio había estado enfermo durante algún tiempo y finalmente desarrolló una idea extraña. Pensó que era una vaca. Ya que era lapráctica de su religión a sacrificar animales, también insistió en ser sacrificado como todas las otras vacas. Por último, un viejo médico del pueblo fue llamado para tratarlo. El viejo médico fingióque era sacerdote y que había venido a ofrecer sacrificio al príncipe. Sacó un cuchillo y comenzó a sentir los brazos del príncipe y las piernas para encontrar el mejor lugar para cortarlo. Entonces,de repente se detuvo. Dijo que este animal era demasiado delgada y débil a sacrificar. Sería un insulto a su religión que sacrificar una pobre vaca tal.
El príncipe era naturalmente muy disgustado,pero estuvo de acuerdo con el médico que tenía que engordar si deseaba ser sacrificado. Por lo tanto, comenzó a comer y beber en grandes cantidades. Se comió y comió, y, a medida que pasaban las...
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