No Se

Páginas: 2 (297 palabras) Publicado: 23 de octubre de 2012
Read the text and then answer the questions about NEWS:
|Would you keep your child's gender a secret? || | | |
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A young Swedish couple is not telling people if their two-and-a-half-year-old child is a boy or agirl.
The child's name is "Pop", a name that can be for a girl or a boy. Pop chooses what he/she wears each day: sometimes Pop wears dresses, and sometimes Pop wearspants. Pop can play with dolls, or with blocks and trucks. Pop's parents don't want their child to think that he/she must act like a girl or a boy.
Pop's parents say theirchild knows that boys and girls are different. Pop's parents never call Pop "he" or "she" when they talk about their child. They also don't use "his" or "her" when theytalk about Pop.
Not everyone thinks this is a good idea. The psychologist Susan Pinker thinks the couple is making a mistake. She thinks it's important for children tolearn how boys and girls are different. Gender expert Kristina Hekel thinks that the parents are helping Pop develop his/her individuality. 
Pop's parents say that whenPop is ready to tell people if he/she is a boy a girl then he/she will. For now, Pop's parents are having another baby. They aren't going to tell if this one is a boy orgirl either. However, Pop might soon have a lot of difficult questions for his/her parents!
Now that you read the article answer these questions: (150 words minimum intotal)

1. What news have you heard recently? What was interesting about it?

2. How do you keep informed? Explain.

3. What news media do you prefer? Why?
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