Película bright star

Páginas: 2 (457 palabras) Publicado: 29 de mayo de 2011
In the movie “Bright Star” which shows the life of the poetic author John Keats, one can easily get acquainted with his work, because throughout the whole movie several of his poems are recited. Themost important of the poems mentioned in the movie is the one that is called as the movie itself, “Bright Star”. This poem was dedicated to Fanny, Keats’ young lover and fiancée. Even though the poemis quite short, it is very personal and shows that at the end of his life Keats gave in to the power of love and beauty to come up with it. Another of the poems “shown” in the movie is “La Belle DameSans Mercy” and “Ode to a nightingale” which is the most important of his poems and in the movie the scenery is very real, you can see how he goes to the garden and sits under a tree and writes aboutthe freedom and the happiness that the Nightingale shows.

In the movie you can clearly see the elements of the romantic period. First the seasons are very well defined. In the scenery you can seewhen it is winter and how winter changes to spring and this to summer, then to autumn and then again to winter. All of the scenes that are outside show a very bright and colorful ambient and thecharacters in the movie show respect to it and admiration. Another element of the romanticism is shown when Fanny and Mr. Keats write to each other in the time that they are apart. They live in a fantasyworld where only they exist and nothing else matters. The passion that they feel and show to each other shows lets us know that for them at that time to only thing that was real and that mattered waseach other. This shows us the exaltation of emotions and senses over intellect and reason.

A thing that personally caught my attention about Keats and that made him different from other romanticpoets is the fact that for him the poetry was the only thing that he wanted to do. For him, writing was his profession and his duty in some way, and refused to make money from a different source, even...
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