
Páginas: 8 (1807 palabras) Publicado: 28 de octubre de 2014
Mario Moreno, man, businessman, philanthropist, creator of a legendary character and style of a film based on the ability to speak, great sense of humor, social criticism and improvisations. A legal dispute over royalties from 39 films the actor, including relatives of Cantinflas? Still unresolved? was the reason that largely had not been able to do before more cultural events to keep alive hisfilms and his legacy as an actor. A truce, not to miss the date (August 12), allowed for tributes, photo exhibitions, painting, panel discussions, films, editing a book, among other efforts. The audience thanked. ? It was time for the family to give us a little Cantinflas ?, said Mario Ruben, a gardener and painter of 64 who stopped to watch for a long time, the outdoor exhibit on comic mountedon the bars of Chapultepec , one of the main avenues of the capital. It is common to hear in the same exhibition, explaining to parents of minors who was Cantinflas. But how Mario Moreno discover these days? Eduardo Moreno Laparade, nephew of actor Jose Antonio Valdez, chief information officer of the National Film and cinema specialist Cantinflas, we provide 10 keys to understand your imporancia.To know the man, entrepreneur, comedian and philanthropist, Mario Moreno:      Mario Moreno was an actor who always took care of his job, he was a perfectionist and did not allow an absurdity out in his films. If any of his improvisation lent itself to be taken out of context in a vulgar tone, he cut the scene and asked to be re-recorded.      He was an actor that was hard work. His improvisationsused to start laughing employees or their fellow actors so we had to repeat the scene several times. It was always a different improvisation.      Although there have heard many rumors about the reason for his nickname Cantinflas, version accepted by his family is what he said in a video that was broadcast on one of their tributes in Fine Arts: he began to write and to write words that soundedCantinflas found what he wanted to convey ?, Laparade Moreno tells his nephew.      Mario Moreno was a friendly man in the recording studio but, as they are great comedians, a serious but lord out of it you were talking to the same co-workers joked that before.      It was sensitive to the needs of people. ? Used to get many people in your office, the row is visible. Never told us how he helped butwe knew that something had done for them because they came with a smile. We later learned that some saw him face because if he gave them for medicines, and the rogues were sold in the same pharmacy where he had produced. But always continued to help ?, tells Eduardo Moreno. To know and understand the actor Cantinflas      Cantinflas is the character who played the "peladito Street". Thesepostrevolutionary characters, veterans, who came from the province and stayed in Mexico City, "no job or benefit," says José Antonio Valdez, Cantinflas film specialist.      ? The peladitos were characters who did not have jobs, who roamed the streets but had a habit of complimenting girls and bad orear who were left and when they looked very cornered, they began to defend through language, or abuse oflanguage. So in an argument with a character of these, it was just better give up the number of words used to say nothing ?, says.      In cinema there are two stages of Cantinflas: Cantinflas of black and white and color, as the technology used to shoot their films. In these two phases can be distinguished character work well for society of the time. First, it is an optimistic and positive inadversity a country on its way to cohere and grow, fresh from a Revolutionary War figure, should manage to get by, unscathed from the problems that are presented, using what you have on hand commonly the word. The second is an institutional stage, because the country was becoming institutionalized, and then Mario Moreno, Cantinflas style but aside as the character plays doctors, teachers, priests,...
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