Proceso de amarre de buques

Páginas: 14 (3278 palabras) Publicado: 30 de septiembre de 2009


A ship is moored when it’s made fast to a buoy, when it’s between two buoys, when it’s between two anchors, or when it’s secured by lines alongside a pier or another ship. .

The lines used to secure the ship to a wharf, pier, or another ship are called mooring lines.  Five-inch synthetic rope is used for mooring lines in destroyers or smaller vessels.Larger ships may use 8-inch or even 10-inch lines. Nylon, polyester, and aramid fiber lines are now common for all types of ships. Aramid fiber rope is lighter and smaller (9 inch circumference nylon reduced to 5 7/8 circumference aramid) for equivalent breaking strength to other synthetic ropes. Each mooring line should be faked out on deck near the chock through which it will pass with each eyepassed through the chock and looped back over the lifeline, for passing to the pier. The mooring line that runs through the bullnose or chock near the stem of the ship is called the bow line. The line farthest aft at the stern line is called the stern line. These lines lead up and down the dock respectfully to reduce the fore-and-aft motion of the ship.

LEARNING   OBJECTIVES:   “Describe   theline-handling procedures to moor a ship and the ship handling during the mooring procedure.”



Mooring Lines

The lines used to secure the ship to a wharf, pier, or another ship are called mooring lines. Five-inch manila or smaller nylon is used for mooring lines in destroyers or smaller vessels. Large ships may use 8-in. or even 10in. lines. The manila lines maybe reinforced or replaced by heavier lines or wire hawsers when the ship is finally securing alongside. Nylon and other synthetic fiber lines are common now for all types of ships.

The mooring lines that runs through the bull nose or chock near the eyes of the ship is called the bow line. The corresponding line aft is the stern line. These should lead well up thew dock to reduce the fore andaft motion of the ship. Other mooring Lines are either breast Lines or spring lines. They are called bow, waist, or quarter breasts and springs, depending on the part of the ship from which they are run.

Breast Lines are run at right angles to the keel and prevent a ship form moving away from the pier.

Spring lines leading forward away from the ship at an angle with the keel are forward (bow,waist, or quarter) springs. Those leading aft are after (bow, waist, or quarter) springs. Springs leading forward or aft prevent a vessel from moving aft or forward, respectively.

If a ship moves ahead or astern with the lines out, a breast may become a spring, and spring lines may change their leads. In the U.S Navy, to prevent confusion and to increase the efficiency of the line handling,lines are numbered from forward, according to the position where they are secured aboard ship. A ship may use fewer or more lines as necessary, in which case the numbers are changed accordingly. The names are used after the ship is secured, and the use and lead of each line becomes definite.

Figure 10.1 shows the names and numbers for seven mooring lines. A List of orders given to the men at thelines appears in Table 10.1, with explanations of each.

Table 10.1 Orders to the Men at the Lines
Command Meaning
|Pass one (or Number One) |Send line number one over to the pier. Place the eye over the |
| |bollard or cleatbut do not take a strain. |
|Slack (slack off) the bowline (number one) |Pay. Out the line specified, allowing it to form an easy bight.|
|Take a strain on one (or Number one) |Put number one line under tension. |
|Take in the slack on three (or number three) |Heave in on number...
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