Produccion De Acido Lactico

Páginas: 28 (6915 palabras) Publicado: 13 de febrero de 2013
Sistema de Información Científica
Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

Gil-Horán, Ricardo Heliodoro;Domínguez-Espinosa, Rosa María;Pacho-Carrillo, Juan Daniel Bioproducción de ácido láctico a partir de residuos de cáscara de naranja: Procesos de separación y purificación Tecnología, Ciencia, Educación, Vol. 23, Núm. 2, julio-diciembre, 2008, pp.79-90 Instituto Mexicano de Ingenieros Químicos México
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Tecnología, Ciencia, Educación ISSN (Versión impresa): 0186-6036 Instituto Mexicano de Ingenieros Químicos México

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Página de la revista Proyectoacadémico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto

Tecnol.   Ciencia  Ed.  (IMIQ)  vol.   23 núms.1-2,1999   2008 Tecnol. Ciencia  Ed.  (IMIQ)  vol. 14  núm.  2,  2008    79 Tecnol.   Ciencia  Ed.  (IMIQ)  23(2):  79-90,  79

Bioproducción de ácido láctico a partir de residuos de cáscara de naranja: Procesos de separación y purificación Lactic acid bioproduction fromorange rind: Separation and purification processes
Ricardo Heliodoro Gil-Horán*1, Rosa María Domínguez-Espinosa2, Juan Daniel Pacho-Carrillo2

Facultad de Química, 2Consultores independientes Correo-e (e-mail):
ABSTRACT The social awareness of the process industry environmental impact has resulted in tougher regulations and new fiscal policies that aim to encourage thechemical industry to adopt new production practices to reduce its environmental impact. For this reason, the use of agricultural waste as low cost raw materials for fine chemicals production through biotransformation has attracted much interest. This option of transforming waste into raw materials appears as an attractive development path. It helps to reduce dependency on oil as raw material andalso offers a way to obtain compounds that are uneconomical to produce by traditional chemical synthesis. Mexico South East area is a main citric production zone where a large volume of solid waste in the form of peel and bagasse is generated. This waste comes from orange juice factories and it is normally sent to landfills or open air dumps where they represent an important pollution source. Thiswaste can be used to produce high added value chemicals such as L(+) lactic acid. This product is demanded in the food, pharmaceutical, and personal care industries or for the production of biodegradable plastics and organic synthesis. This research deals with a process for the production of lactic acid through solid phase bioconversion of orange peel and bagasse using Rhizopus oryzae. The productcomplies with the Food Chemical Codex (FCC) regulations. Three different techniques were evaluated for the separation of liquids and solids (mechanical pressing, centrifugation and vacuum filtration), determining the maximum water contents to carry out the lactic acid extraction from the biotransformed solid. The feasibility of using ion exchange to remove impurities was also evaluated. For therecovery of lactic acid, two processes were tested as possible routes for secondary separation and concentration: (a) Esterification with 1-butanol, and (b) Evaporative crystallization of calcium sulfate salts. Based on the experimental results, a flow sheet was created to carry out theoretical mass and energy balances using the computer program SuperPro Designer® 6.0, supported which the packagesAspen Plus and Aspen Split® 11.1, to estimate physical and thermodynamic properties and to carry out detailed phase equilibrium calculations in process units. Based on the simulation, a processing plant with capacity of 400 ton/year of orange peel and bagasse with 12% w/w moisture was identified as suitable for the transformation of the wastea from a medium size juice factory into a production...
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