Quinta republica

Páginas: 3 (705 palabras) Publicado: 10 de diciembre de 2009
The Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) -the Spanish acronym is CEPAL- was established by Economic and Social Council resolution 106(VI) of 25 February 1948 and began to function that sameyear. The scope of the Commission's work was later broadened to include the countries of the Caribbean, and by resolution of 27 July 1984, the Economic Council decided to change its name to theEconomic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); the Spanish acronym, CEPAL, remains unchanged.
In June 1951, the Commission established the ECLAC subregional headquarters in Mexico City,which serves the needs of the Central American subregion, and in December 1966, the ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean was founded in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. In addition, ECLACmaintains country offices in Buenos Aires, Brasilia, Montevideo and Bogotá, as well as a liaison office in Washington, D.C.
ECLAC, which is headquartered in Santiago, Chile, is one of the fiveregional commissions of the United Nations. It was founded with the purpose of contributing to the economic development of Latin America, coordinating actions directed towards this end, and reinforcingeconomic ties among countries and with other nations of the world. The promotion of the region's social development was later included among its primary objectives.
The secretariat of theEconomic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC):
(a) Provides substantive secretariat services and documentation for the Commission and its subsidiary bodies;
(b) Undertakes studies,research and other support activities within the terms of reference of the Commission;
(c) Promotes economic and social development through regional and subregional cooperation and integration;
(d)Gathers, organizes, interprets and disseminates information and data relating to the economic and social development of the region;
(e) Provides advisory services to Governments at their request and...
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