Raza de bronce

Páginas: 4 (923 palabras) Publicado: 30 de noviembre de 2011
Middle Ages – fall of Roman Empire & 15th century
1. Gradual recovery from Rome’s collapse
2. Growing interaction with other societies

- Spread of religious beliefs
1. Mostpolytheistic converted from Christianity
2. Some continued to believe in magic/supernatural spirits
- Knowledge from trade/invaders
1. Tools for new crops
2. European paper factory
3.Arabs – math, science, philosophy
- Took more from other nations than contributed – one-sided trade

Two Images
1. Prejudice toward Europe – big, smelly, hairy lugs
- Newer to civilization- Economy less advanced
- Manners less polished
2. Flashes of brilliance
- Thomas Aquinas – sum up knowledge of man, God, nature

Stages of Postclassical Development

A. Rome’sdecline affected
1. Italy fragmented
2. commerce shrinking
3. Spain in hands of Muslims
4. Frequent invasions – Viking raids
5. Weak rulers6. Subsistence agriculture
7. Literacy restricted to hierarchy/monasteries
a. No additions, merely copied old manuscripts
b. Couldn’tunderstand a lot of the philosophy they copied

The Manorial System: Obligations and Allegiances

8. Manorialism – economic/political relation between lord and peasants
a. lived on self-sufficient manors
b. received protection/justice from lords
i. Military force
c. gave part ofgoods/crops to lord
d. worked monthly on lord’s land
e. some could escape
i. move to city/become wanderers
f. production low –limited equipment
i. Moldboard – curved metal
ii. Three-fold system – fallow
10. Obligations
a. For labor and land received...
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