
Páginas: 2 (475 palabras) Publicado: 22 de octubre de 2010

Although socio-cultural life is characterized by a constant evolution, historical periods in which there is enhanced is dynamic, or at least more clearly perceived.
hisvision of change is more sensitive, if to family modalities that we confront today.
traditional family colombian had this characteristics:
1. CATHOLIC MARRIAGE-FORMING: some couples had access toCatholic marriage and that marriage was sacred.

2. PATRIARCHAL STRUCTURE: the father was social and economic of the family and the mother and children, dependent members of his authority.3. MARRIAGE WAS INDISSOLUBLE: by strict causal separatión was admitted, but not divorce.

4. Sharp separation of gender roles, and prestige differential coverage.

5. Strongly internalizedvalues of obligatory commitment of the couple in front to society, fundamentally the Catholic faith and the ego self. guided and controlled the family life, values Catholic ethic and patriarchystrongly internalized.

This family lived widespread in some sectors of high and low some stratum socioeconomic located in urban and rural.
then stressed strong changes that affected the population:Technical advances enriched the health sector; be widespread use of contraceptives and progress in the fertility and fertility in vitro; and the economic better for the women because her are presentingchanges in our society.
Education expanded and the women, arrived as the man to the higher levels; the things were changing, better the quality of life and steem in the women and the desire to progressand be independent.
Now change the structure of roles, the women work and fulfills different functions that permitn survive in this world as chaotic and difficult,They are changing and are takingcharge of economic and social costs and family, men are beginning to share housework.
Traditional family is evolving, the management authority with the couple and children and changes of roles....
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