
Páginas: 11 (2636 palabras) Publicado: 13 de enero de 2013
Cosmetology is the study and application of beauty treatments. Cosmetology is a Greek word. This type of field involves hairstyling, skin care, cosmetics, mani/pedis and electrology.
Cosmetology is the study and application of beauty treatments. Cosmetology is a Greek word. This type of field involves hairstyling, skin care, cosmetics, mani/pedis and electrology.

California Visalia 120$18,820 0.3
California Santa Ana 2,840 $22,830 0.7
California San Francisco 1,180 $32,050 0.4
California Visalia 120 $18,820 0.3
California Santa Ana 2,840 $22,830 0.7
California San Francisco 1,180 $32,050 0.4
New México Farmington 70 $15,350 0.5
Florida Pensacola 450 $26,000 1.1
North Carolina Durham 490 $38,990 0.7

New México Farmington 70 $15,350 0.5Florida Pensacola 450 $26,000 1.1
North Carolina Durham 490 $38,990 0.7

A cosmetologist’s salary varies depending on their area of experience and what they prefer to excel in. For example here in California, a cosmetologist’s yearly salary is around $29,000 as of this year.

A cosmetologist’s salary varies depending on their area of experience and what they prefer to excel in. For example herein California, a cosmetologist’s yearly salary is around $29,000 as of this year.

Cosmetologist’s help customers change or update their physical appearance. Many cosmetologists focus on cutting, coloring and styling hair. Other cosmetologists specialize in fields such as skincare or nails. All cosmetologists and specialists have to complete a cosmetology training program to be eligible forstate licensing exams. Cosmetology programs take 9-12 months to complete, but specialist programs can be completed in about six months. Cosmetologists are required to complete training at a certified cosmetology school in order to get licensed. Most cosmetology schools base their curricula on state licensing requirements, but every state has different requirements. Nevertheless, common cosmetologycoursework includes hair cutting and styling, safety procedures and business management. Most cosmetology programs also provide basic training in makeup application, manicures, massage therapy and skincare treatments. Cosmetology programs range from 1000-1500 hours. Both cosmetologists and specialists have to adhere to state licensing requirements. Most states have age restrictions, as well asminimum education requirements. To be eligible for licensing exams, individuals must complete a set amount of training hours during cosmetology school.

Licensing exams can include written or practical tests, and sometimes both. Written exams cover questions about sanitation rules, chemical usage, hair styling techniques and state laws. Practical tests involve applicants following directions inorder to style a mannequin or model. Some states also administer an oral examination in which applicants must provide verbal answers to cosmetology related questions. Many states have licenses for each cosmetology specialty. Some states combine specialties under one unified license. After cosmetologists obtain their license, they may have to renew it by periodically paying a fee and filling outappropriate paperwork. Cosmetologists who hold a license in one state may have to get additional licenses to work in other states.
Cosmetologist’s help customers change or update their physical appearance. Many cosmetologists focus on cutting, coloring and styling hair. Other cosmetologists specialize in fields such as skincare or nails. All cosmetologists and specialists have to complete acosmetology training program to be eligible for state licensing exams. Cosmetology programs take 9-12 months to complete, but specialist programs can be completed in about six months. Cosmetologists are required to complete training at a certified cosmetology school in order to get licensed. Most cosmetology schools base their curricula on state licensing requirements, but every state has different...
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