Señor de las moscas

Páginas: 16 (3863 palabras) Publicado: 30 de marzo de 2012
Kapitel 3: Huts on the Beach
Während Jack ganz vom Jagdfieber ergriffen ist, bemühen sich Ralph und Piggy, am Strand einige Hütten zum Schutz gegen Regen und wilde Tiere, vor denen die Kleinen in ihrer Angst sprechen, zu errichten. Die meisten Jungen, die beim Hüttenbau eigentlich helfen sollten, vernachlässigen ihre Aufgaben und interessieren sich nur fürs Schwimmen und Herumtoben. Simon machtsich allein auf, um die Insel zu erkunden.
Kapitel 4: Painted Faces and Long Hair
Aus Langeweile und weil es ihm Nervenkitzel bereitet, wirft Roger im Spiel einige Steine in die Nähe des kleinen Henry, er achtete aber darauf, diesen nicht wirklich zu treffen und zu verletzen. Um besser jagen zu können, bemalt Jack sein Gesicht mit Lehm und Holzkohle. Als er seine Maske aufgetragen hat, wirdseine Verwandlung deutlich: ”He looked in astonishment, no longer at himself but at an awesome stranger.” In ausgelassener Freude tanzt und lacht er – ”and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling.” Die Jäger lassen das Feuer ausgehen, und so fährt ein Schiff am Horizont vorbei, ohne auf die Jungen aufmerksam zu werden. Ralphs Vorhaltungen werden vom Freudengeheul der Jäger über ihre ersteJagdbeute unterdrückt. ”Look, we've killed a pig!” ruft Jack, doch die beiden Jungen stehen sich unversöhnlich gegenüber. ”The two boys faced each other. There was the brilliant world of hunting, tactics, fierce exhilaration, skill; and there was the world of longing and baffled common–sense.” In der folgenden Auseinandersetzung schlägt Jack auf Piggy ein, dessen Brille teilweise zerbricht, doch mit demnoch intakten Glas kann ein neues Feuer entfacht werden; die Jäger teilen das Fleisch und spielen die Tötung des Schweins nach.

When he and the others arrive on the island, he quickly establishes himself as the chief of the group, although not by any harsh, overt or physical action, but by being elected. Ralph has many leadership skills that Piggy does not and he knows when to andwhen not to talk (which separates him from Piggy again). Ralph suggests that a fire be lit, hoping that it will increase their chance of being saved; however, towards the end of the book he forgets the initial reason for maintaining the fire. This is representative of the debilitating effects corruption has even on the brightest mind. Ralph always means well, but frequently forgets his motives fordoing so, and requires Piggy's constant reminders to reinforce the purpose of the fire. Still, in the midst of all the island's chaos, it should be noted that Ralph has a tendency to be polite and logical in the tensest of moments; for example, when the children are obliged to investigate Castle Rock, Ralph takes the lead despite being horribly afraid of the "beast". When Simon expresses hisdoubts about the existence of such a creature, Ralph responds "politely, as if agreeing about the weather." Ralph embodies good intentions in the implementation of reason, but ultimately fails to execute these plans soundly.[6]
Piggy, whose real name is never revealed, is Ralph's chief adviser and "true, wise friend." He represents the role of intelligence, reason and civilization. His identitywith civilization is symbolized in many ways, including the fact that his hair never lengthens even as the others' does, and his refusal to accept the existence of ghosts or the beast. Even at the beginning, the limited influence of civilization is symbolized by the limitations of Piggy's own body: his obesity, his often debilitating asthma, and his thick spectacles. His deteriorating sway isfurther represented as his glasses are first broken, then later stolen by Jack, leaving him all but completely helpless. He makes a final appeal for order and reason, and is horribly killed for his efforts. With his gruesome death, simultaneous with the destruction of the conch, reason and civility are gone completely, and the descent into savagery is consummate.[4]
The Conch
When first blown, it...
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