Shifting the structure.

Páginas: 15 (3726 palabras) Publicado: 30 de noviembre de 2011
Shifting the Structure
Prof. Peter Kreisl
City-Regional Governance SS2011
Arq. Cindy Lira García
M.Sc. Urban Agglomerations 2010-2012
Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main

Introduction 3
Situation- Case Studies 4
City-region 6
Structure and real practice for the city 8
Regional Governance 10
Conclusion 11
Bibliography/Reference 12


This paper has nointention of finding a specific answer or has any particular orientation to the queries that rose during the course Ciy-Regional Governance SS2011. Why the Regional-Planning does not have enough power to direct and guide the region-city-municipal development in the metropolitan areas of Mexico? How or which would be the best solution to have this regional plan implemented with equity and socialparticipation? Al though my intention leads to have a more comprehensive and a critic from the governance point of view of what is happening between the governmental institutions, the private sector and its interest, and the community that has a daily life under this situation.

Despite this, contemporary culture has a tendency to objectify a vast quantity of systems, relations, situations and ideasby depriving them of their temporal dimension. As a result, we have grown accustomed to regarding objects as timeless and our conception of space has been formalized. Eliasson, 2009

Cities are in a constant change and therefore our political framework has to adjust and develop with these conversions. We have formalized in a very inflexible regime on how to govern the city, being with theincapable of the governmental administrations, institutional and agency bureaus to manage, regulate and govern, in an adequate form, the demands and dynamics of the society and natural ecosystems.

Therefore in the next chapter I will describe the situation of two cases which I have found interesting, not only because both of them are metropolis, the 3th and 4th most populated in Mexico; but as wellbecause its latent problematic, their background and from my personal point of view, the metropolitan area of Puebla-Tlaxcala is following the same steps as the metropolitan area of Monterrey, in terms of rapid growth.

The second chapter will have an explanation of the term city-region, its elements and how they relate with each other within the study cases. The third chapter will concern moreabout the social structure and its effects related on reasons why the regional planning is not implemented and its difficulties. The last chapter I will try to conceive in a theoretical way, which could be the answer or solution for the questions I asked before, related to the study cases that I have chosen.

Situation- Case Studies

The metropolitan areas of Mexico are in a critical situationwhere does not exist the equity in all levels. From the national level, the federal government has the responsibility to produce goals for the national development in a broad view of state-region. In the state level, it does have an agency responsible to produce a regional plan for the metropolis within the state. Like the metropolitan area of Monterrey (AMM), which has more than 4millions ofinhabitants and twelve municipalities are considered to be part of this metropolis. (INEGI, 2010 and CONAPO, 2005) Mean while as well we have cases of courban between different states, and these cases make it even more difficult to achieve and implement a regional plan. Like the metropolitan zone of Puebla-Tlaxcala (AMP-T), in which the urban settlement is in Puebla and Tlaxcala state. In this case,the metropolis has 2.6 million of inhabitants and with 38 municipalities, some of this communities have more than 5 thousand inhabitants but the economic-work force relation that have with the bigger city is very high and makes them part of the metropolis. (INEGI, 2010 and CONAPO, 2005)

Metropolitan area of Monterrey and Puebla-Tlaxcala, in the right and left respectively.
Plate 1 and 2....
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