Simbolos patrios en ingles

Páginas: 5 (1074 palabras) Publicado: 9 de noviembre de 2011
The Panamanian flag was designed by Don Manuel Amador Torrero Incarnation and was produced by Doña Maria De La Ossa de Amador.
The Flag of the Republic of Panama is the most famous and important national symbols of the Republic of Panama. It consists of a rectangle divided into four quarters: the upper left is a five-pointed blue star on white background, the top right is red, the bottom left isblue, and the lower right is a five-pointed red star on white.Baptism of the Flag On December 20, 1903 took place the baptism of the logo and were chosen as sponsors Dr. Gerardo Ortega with Mrs. Lastenia Lewis and Don José Agustín Arango with Doña Manuela M. Arosemena. It fell to Rev. Fray Bernardino de la Concepción García blessing.Legal adoption of the Flag The Constituent Assembly by Act 64of 1904 provisionally adopted the flag. And the final adoption occurred through Law 4 of 1925 created the National Assembly and endorsed its adoption by Act March 28, 1941.As part of the celebration of national holidays, each November 4 held in Panama on Flag Day, a national holiday. On the occasion of this great celebration was held celebrations such as parades and ceremonies, which pays tributeto the flag.

The National Anthem of the Republic of Panama is one of the symbols of that country, the music is by Santos Jorge Amatria and letter of Jerónimo de la Ossa .

[ editar ] HistoriaHistory En el año de 1889 , llega de Peralta , España , Santos Jorge Amátrian , un músico estudiado. In the year 1889 , comes in Peralta , Spain , Amatria Jorge Santos , a musician studied. Cuando llegó aPanamá, comenzó como organista de la catedral y maestro de canto de las escuelas públicas y primarias. When he arrived in Panama, started as cathedral organist and voice teacher in public schools and elementary schools. En 1892 es nombrado director de la banda ( militar ) del batallón Ecuador, y luego desempeñó ese mismo cargo pero en la recién fundada Banda Republicana. In 1892 he became directorof the band ( military ) battalion Ecuador, and then played the same position but in the newly founded Banda Republicana. Para 1897 , compuso la música de una canción para las escuelas que título Himno Patriótico Istmeño .For 1897 , composed the music of a song title for schools Patriotic Hymn Isthmus. La letra era obra de Juan Augusto Torres , secretario de instrucción pública para esa época.The letter was the work of Juan Augusto Torres , secretary of public instruction at the time. La composición caló tanto entre la población, que no sólo los estudiantes la cantaban, sino que los mayores también. Calo composition both among the population, students not only sang but also the largest.

En 1903 , William I. In 1903 , William I. Buchanan , primer embajador y ministro plenipotenciariode Estados Unidos ante Panamá, iba a presentar credenciales ante la Junta Provisional de Gobierno, y no había un himno para interpretarlo, tal como lo exigía el protocolo usual. Buchanan , first ambassador and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Panama, would present credentials to the Interim Board of Governors, and there was a hymn to interpret, as required by the usual protocol.Santos Jorge sugiere, que se utilice su himno para tal ocasión, lo que fue aceptado, ya que la canción estaba respaldada por el público en general. Jorge Santos suggests that the use of their anthem for the occasion, which was accepted, because the song was supported by the general public. El mismo compositor le pidió a su amigo Jerónimo de la Ossa que elaborara una letra a lo cual accedió. Thecomposer himself asked his friend Jerónimo de la Ossa to prepare a letter which he accepted.

En 1906 , la Asamblea Nacional adopta el himno de acuerdo con la Ley 39 y en forma provisional, ya que se pensaba efectuar un concurso para escoger una nueva composición.The national emblem was created by Don Nicanor Villalaz and received the cooperation of his brother Sebastian Villalaz. National Coat of...
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