
Páginas: 3 (515 palabras) Publicado: 2 de diciembre de 2011
Thomas Hobbes
"The universe is corporeal. Everything is real is material and what material it is not real"
Although Hobbes's fame is due especially their political and social theories, hisphilosophy is the most complete materialistic doctrine of the seventeenth century.

The universe is conceived as a corporeal machine, where everything stays the strict laws of mechanism, according to whichany phenomenon to be explained from purely quantitative elements: matter (extension), the movement and collisions of matter in the space.

John Locke
His epistemology (theory of knowledge) does notbelieve in the existence of nativism and determine, based on the knowledge of sensory origin, and therefore rejects the absolute idea in favor of probabilistic mathematics. For Locke, knowledge onlyextends to the relationships between facts, the how, not why. On the other hand believes perceive a global harmony, beliefs and assumptions relied on self-evident, so that their own thoughts alsocontain elements of rationalism and mechanism.
He believes in a creator God near the Calvinist conception of the great watchmaker, basing his argument on our own existence and the impossibility ofanything being produced, as is a God as described by the philosopher of rationalism Descartes in Discourse on Method, the third part of it. Of the divine essence can only are known accidents and theirdesigns can only be advised by natural laws.
It treats religion as a private and individual matter that affects only the relationship between man and God, not human relationships. Under thisprivatization, the man is freed from its dependence on ecclesiastical discipline and charges and subtracts the religious legitimacy to the political authority, since it considers that there is no biblical basisfor a Christian state.
Consider the natural law a divine decree that imposes harmony through a global mindset (reverence, fear of God, natural filial affection, love of neighbor), specifically...
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