
Páginas: 7 (1610 palabras) Publicado: 24 de abril de 2011

- Deficiencias de la grabación analógica y transmisión condujeron a la aplicación de la grabación digital DEFICIENCIAS DE LA GRABACIÓN ANALÓGICA

-Altos niveles de ruido -Bajos niveles máximos sin distorsión -Respuesta de frecuencia de los medios limitada

DIGITALIZACIÓN DE UNA SEÑAL DE AUDIO ANALÓGICA La señal digital viene del código binario 0-1 que será representadaeléctricamente. PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)

AIFF de esta Interchange File Format). Características (Audioseñal

This is a file format for storing LPCM digital audio data. It supports a variety of bit resolutions, sam-Amplitud constante ple rates, and channels of audio. The format was developed by Apple -AnchoComputer and is the standard audio format for Macintosh computers, de banda limitadoalthough all platforms can read almost any los mismos medios days. AIFF !!Debido a estas características se puede grabar con file format these de grabación analógica¡¡ files generally end with an .aif extension. WAV (Waveform Audio). This is another file format for storing LPCM digital audio data. Created by Microsoft and IBM, WAV was one of the first audio file types developed for the PC. WAV files areindicated by a .wav suffix in the file name and are often spelled wav (instead of wave) in writing. The WAV file format supports a variety of bit resolutions, Conversor análogo digital (A/D) sample rates, and channels of audio.

- Tiene 2 procesos fundamentales


BWF (Broadcast Wave). This is special version of the standard WAV European Broadcast Union in 1996. Chapter 2 Some DigitalAudio Basics -Cuantización: Amplitud an extra “chunk” of data, known as the broadcast extenBWFs contain sion chunk, that contains information on the author, title, origination, date, time, and so on of the audio content. Perhaps the most significant aspect of BWFs is the feature of time stamping, which allows files to be moved from one DAW application to another and easily aligned to their properpoint on a timeline or edit decision list. These files end with a .bwf file extension.
-Muestreo: Dominioformat developed by the audio file de la frecuencia (tiempo)

AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format). This is a file format for storing LPCM digital audio data. It supports a variety of bit resolutions, sample rates, and channels of audio. The format was developed by Apple Computer and is thestandard audio format for Macintosh computers,

Muestreo: Proceso de discretización de la señal de audio continuo en el tiempo dentro del conversor A/D. -Señal discreta es aquella en la cual es posible determinar entre 2 puntos una cantidad finita de valores. Cuantización: Proceso de asignación de valores numéricos a cada uno de los pulsos generados en el muestreo, de acuerdo a su amplitud. Cadauno de estos valores será codificado por medio de una palabra binaria de determinada longitud (por ej 4 bits), dependiendo de la longitud de la palabra podremos asignar códigos diferentes a cada una de las muestras.

AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format). This is a file format for storing LPCM digital !!El proceso de digitalización implicavariety of bit resolutions, samaudio data. It supports aperdidas¡¡ ple rates, and channels of audio. The format was developed by Apple Computer and is the standard audio format for Macintosh computers, although all platforms can read almost any file format these days. AIFF files generally end with an .aif extension. WAV (Waveform Audio). This is another file format for storing LPCM Es posible reconstruir una señal continua limitada en ancho de banda(frecuencia) con digital audio data. Created by Microsoft and IBM, WAV was one of the una serie de muestras discretas. first audio file types developed for the PC. WAV files are indicated by a Ancho de Banda .wav suffix in the file name and are often spelled wav (instead of wave) in writing. The WAV file format supports a variety of bit resolutions, sample rates, and channels of audio.
20 KHz...
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