Story of one hour

Páginas: 5 (1103 palabras) Publicado: 15 de agosto de 2010
Essay “The story of an Hour”
By Kate Chopin

C1-c2 I would like to write about an American writer of short stories; Her pen name was Kate Chopin. She was born in Louisiana and she was very important as one of the earliest examples of the modernism in the United States.
She began to write to support herself and her young family and she got immediatelysuccessful, but the society was not prepared and would not tolerate her questionings.
“The awakening” a story of a young woman who struggles realize herself and her artistic ability caused an uproar and Chopin was denied admission into the St. Louis fire Art club based on its publication. She felt hurt by the reaction to the book and after that she just wrote only a few short stories.
I wouldlike to consider some aspects from “The story of an hour” by Kate Chopin but first to analyze this piece of literature, let me introduce the tale.
C1c2This short story is about an hour in the life of the main character, Mrs. Millard. She is afflicted with a heart problem. Bad news has come about that her husband has died in a train accident. Her sister Josephine and Richard who is herhusband's friend has to break the horrifying news to her as gently as possible. They both were concerned that the news might somehow put her in great danger with her health. Ironically, Mrs. Millard reacts to the news with excitement. Even though the news is heartbreaking she is finally free from the depressing life she was living. C3c4c5She keeps whispering "Free! Body and soul free!”. She now is happybecause she does not have to live for anyone but herself now. At the end of the story, Mr. Millard opens the door and is surprised by Josephine's cry. Mr. Millard didn't have a faintest idea about the accident. With a

Quick motion, Richard tried to block Mr. Millard's view of his wife but it was too late.c6 climax The doctors said she died of a heart disease.c7 The story ends with a shortphrase "of joy that kills"1.
d This short story was written in the XVIII century and represents a negative view of marriage and how freedom can be a prize posetion; the omniscient narrator let know to the reader all the feelings of joy that the main character, Mrs. Mallard, experiment when she knew her husband was dead. She oscillated between numbness and extreme joy because she would live forherself and not by anyone else`s intentions.
Kate Chopin, by the narrator, invite us to travel by the unconscious of the main character, where her soul and body are almost together and is hardly to the reader to be connected to the outside world even when we know this world exist, but we are captured in her room discovering her important feelings.
First of all the narrator set out thestory, describing the situation and giving some clues about the characters, for example: Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble (symbol) even she was young; A young woman with a fair , calm face, whose lines bespoken repression (personification) ; So we can get an idea about the characters, the place and continue with the rising action, when Mrs. Mallard knew that her husband was died and shefelt there was something coming to her. Here we can see a woman sitting in front of the window, breathing, feeling, hearing ; Everything is new, the spring time, inviting her to live a

1.-The story of an hour by Kate Chopin.

new life, inviting her to make a decition; At this moment we easily
recognize the symbol of new life and the time when she must decide
what she want and she knowthis decision will continue until the end of her life.
Here, we can see and recognize one of the most interesting idea, the real “Mrs. Mallard”, the idea of woman freedom is strong and clear, she will live for herself, her two white slender hands, her opened and spread arms out saying welcome to the procession of years that would belong to her absolutely. Here all the words are vibrant and...
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