Taxonomia bpmn

Páginas: 75 (18723 palabras) Publicado: 23 de noviembre de 2010
| BPM Technology Taxonomy:A Guided Tour to the Application of BPM |
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| White Paper I March 20tV9 |
8 | Evolved TechnologistTell Ui a Question. |

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Abstract 3-
Introduction 3
Understanding Business Process Management 4
What Is a Business Process? 6
What Is the Lifecytle of a BusinessProcess? ~
What Is a \iodel? S
What Is Business Process Modeling.? S
What Is Business Process Manapnoi^ 13
How Are Business Processes Executed with and without BPMi 16
How Does BPM Change the Function of I-? 19
How Is Performance Management Related to BPM? ID
how Is a Process Centric Approach Changing the Structure af Viodem Companies?. 11
The Business Caie for Adopting Business ProcessesManagement 23
What Is the Ultimate Vision for a Process-Centric Company? 13
What Is the Business Value af BPM? 16
How Does BPM Help Run an Extended Business Network? 19
How Do Companies Adopt BPto? 19
Applying the Technology of Business Process Management ?3-
What Is the Purpose of BPM Techno logy? 33
How Does BPM Technology Expand die Scope of IT? 3&
What Categories of BPMTechnology Exist? 39
What Is BPM Technology far Process Description? +3
What Is the Value Praided by Descriptive BP\i Technology? 4&
What Is BPM Technology for Process Automation? +6
What Is the Value of BPM Technology for Process Automation? £D
What Functionality and Components Constitute a FUlly Formed BPto Suite? &1
What Enabling Standards and Technology Support BPMTechnology? &+
Mo'-ing Forward 55-

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BPUi Tedmalony Taxonomy | March 200?
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This piper provides a survey of the practices and technology related to business process management (EPMJ. Basic concepts are rrjtoinl the] effect on the enterpriseis examined, and tie value Ait BPM car, create is analyzed. The paper then presents a surrey of the vast array of technology that is related to BPM and sorts out how and when such technology is used.
As the modern enterprise grows in complexity and scope, managers have struggled to keep pace, The value-creating processes inside companies are more complex. More and more activitieshappen outside companies in extended business networks. Demands for increased compliance and better financial returns seem, only to increase. The pace of change is faster than ever.
Business process management increasingly is seen as a way to master the swelling complexity of the modem corporations and coordinate the work of thousands of people through a focus on well-defined processes. Leadingcompanies hare shown that applying business process management [BPM) in the right way can fulfill the promise of IT to automate business processes and directly support strategy.
What is rarely described in discussions of EPH is the end-to-end picture. How exactly does the act of using the boxes, lines, and diamonds to describe processes ultimately lead to the goal of running a better business? Whatare the steps from start to finish to reach this goal" What value does an increased focus on business processes bring? How will an organization cbangEin the wake of this focus? How does BPM transform the traditional soGntion-developmentlifccycle? Wlut role does technology pi jy? Haw does BPM incorporate EBP and the existing enterprise application landscape? How has the next generation ofsolutions, the so-called third- generation, been constructed using modeling, business rules, and BOA to fulfill the promise of BPM?
This paper aims to bring readers to a more complete understanding of what BPM means, how it works at many different Levels, and how to get started. The authors intend to demonstrate that business process management is simply good management tbat emphasises the central role...
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