
Páginas: 2 (406 palabras) Publicado: 29 de enero de 2013
Business Plan
(First work in class)
Group 6

Javier Hetzel Olguín
Hernán Perez Estay
Mariajesús Bermejo Ríos
Class: Tools of Marketing
Teacher: Laura Juarez
Business Plan

A business planis the essential that the investor needs to know in the moment to begin a project, it’s a big tool for planning all steps for a project.
Is a formal statement of business objectives, set out in awritten document, which develops, systematizes and integrates activities, business strategies, analysis of the market situation and other studies that are necessary for a business idea becomes viable.This document is generally supported by additional documents such as market research, technical, financial and organizational
The key points to realize: The history of the project idea, the currentdescriptions of competitors and everything that has to do with the market, complete description of the project partners.
How is it done?
Questions are made to evaluate, after this to get conclusions.We will go from the general to the particular:
First, we need to define the business in general (what is it and why do it)
Strategy to follow, explaining what kind of difficulties exists and howto fix them, exposing which are the strengths and the weaknesses (What, Which, how).
The steps to start the project, and when would be the best time to run it (When)
Define team members, showingtheir contributions to the project (Who)
Permissions and legal conditions for the right operation of the business
Demonstrate what would be the advantage over existing companies. (Competitiveadvantage)
The next step would be quantify the project, estimating revenues and expenses of this, for then be able to realize an evaluation of this situation and to define whether it is profitable or not.With respect to income and expenses it should be explain as clearly as each of these, where and how they come.

The difference between business plan and a investment project is that the business...
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