
Páginas: 2 (454 palabras) Publicado: 14 de diciembre de 2012
Poetry is an art that many don’t master. “The Rave” by Edgar Allan Poe is a poem rich in symbolic meaning. This poem is surrounded by many questions of this so called raven. What is thisraven truly? Poetry is a liberal thing so it can be anything even the man’s pain reflected.
Since the beginning of the poem Poe is creating suspense. The speaker is upset about the lost of Lenoreand can’t go on normally. When the raven appears he feels like it will leave him like all of him hopes. Since the raven sets himself in the bust of Pallas, the God of wisdom, it is assumed his word hasdeeper meaning. “In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore; Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he; But, with mien of lord or lady…” The way the bird isportrayed shows how it feels superior and is ancient. When the speaker talk to him and he only answers “Nevermore” he say it feels like if the birds whole soul was revealed in that one word. Hecontinues talking to the bird and realized it can only speak that word, yet he continues asking him questions. This is a conduct of self torture and it is backed by the depressive state in which he isdescribed. The raven is nothing but the mere need of the speaker to feel something, pain. It’s not known why Lenore is not there but the speaker feels like he should pay for it.
The speaker becomeexasperated by the birds presence and asks it to ”leave my loneliness unbroken”. We can tell that even with all that has happened the speaker is looking for hope. The raven is a reminder of all his wrongdoings. He believed it was sent by the devil. At the end of the poem the raven becomes still and it’s shadow is cast upon the floor. I believe this means that

the bird is still like a statue andwill stay there and never leave. It then says “And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor. Shall be lifted – nevermore!” The birds is not necessarily there but it represents...
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