The human ear: its contribution to coomunication disorders

Páginas: 7 (1681 palabras) Publicado: 25 de mayo de 2011
The Human Ear:
Its Contributions to Communication Disorders
Communication is a mechanism to exchange message from one entity to another. The complexity of this concept is formed by several factors, and one of this is the human ear. This organ plays an important role for humans in their interaction with other people and their society. Being impaired in this organ is considered adisability to acquire determined skills in our learning process. Though it is essential to develop hearing skills, the same needs to be part of the acknowledging the function of this organ and its parts. After recognizing the impact of this organ, we will have a better idea on the communication disorders we face everyday in our families, schools, and the community.

The Human Ear
The human earconstitutes the last link of the sonorous chain: it turns the sound waves into electrical signals which are transmitted by the acoustic nerve to the brain, where the sound is interpreted.
The human ear can be divided in three parts: external, average and internal ear.
The external ear is constituted by an outer flap or pinna (ear), the auditory conduit and the eardrum. The sound waves arepicked up pro the pavilion leads them through auditory conduit towards the membrane of the eardrum.
Middle ear: is a limited cavity the eardrum pro a side, and by the base of the cochlea pro the other. In his interior there are three bones, denominated hammer, anvil and stirrup. The head of the hammer leans on the eardrum and transmits vibrations through anvil to the stirrup. This I complete aswell leans in one of the two membranes that close the cochlea, the oval window.
Inner ear: It is a hermetic cavity whose interior this flooded by a denominated liquid lymph. It consists of three elements: semicircular channels, the lobby and the cochlea.
The ear catches the sounds the following way: The ear catches the sound waves that are transmitted through auditory conduit to the eardrum.The eardrum is a flexible membrane that vibrates when the sound waves arrives. This vibration arrives at the chain from the ear bones which amplify the sound it transmits and then to the internal ear through the oval window. Finally the vibrations move both liquids that exist in the cochlea, deforming the existing perilymph cells in the interior. These cells transform the sound waves electricalimpulses that arrive at the auditory nerve and this nerve to the auditory crust that is the organ in charge to interpret the sounds.
It is also important to mention that the ear is responsible for the balance of the human balance. The semicircular canals and the vestibular function are related to the sense of the balance. In these canals there are hairs similar to those of the organ of Corti,and detect the shifts of the position of the head. The three semicircular canals extend from the vestibular body forming more or less straight angles to each other. This allows the sensorial organs to register the movements of the head in each one of the three planes of the space: up and down, forwards and backwards, and towards the left or the right.
The Human Ear and the Human LearningProcess
The sense of hearing is necessary for the acquisition and the development of the oral language and the speech. People who experience hearing problem, it becomes difficult to the communication to develop one of the functions characteristic of the human species known as “language”. This is the channel of the thoughts, expressions, feelings, emotions, important tool for the learning, the socialcoexistence, and communication channel between the parents and the child from the moment of the birth. The majority of children can hear from the moment of birth. They learn to speak by imitation of the sounds they listen around them from parents and care givers.
The speech, language and hearing are an important part of the life of the human being. The speech is the capacity to emit sounds;...
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