The pelican brief

Páginas: 70 (17406 palabras) Publicado: 16 de junio de 2010
John Grisham

The Pelican Brief
Chapter 1 Three Bodies ....................................................... 2 Chapter 2 Political Planning ................................................ 7 Chapter 3 No Clues............................................................ 11 Chapter 4 Ideas and Information........................................ 14 Chapter 5 An ImplausibleTheory...................................... 17 Chapter 6 Hunted!.............................................................. 22 Chapter 7 Keep Moving..................................................... 26 Chapter 8 Photos and Phone Calls ..................................... 29 Chapter 9 Searching for Darby .......................................... 34 Chapter 10 Another Body.................................................. 37 Chapter 11 Riverwalk ........................................................ 41 Chapter 12 Darby Explains................................................ 45 Chapter 13 Washington ..................................................... 50 Chapter 14 Curtis D. Morgan............................................. 54 Chapter 15 Two Appointments..........................................59 Chapter 16 Morgan's Story ................................................ 64 Chapter 17 Time to Trust Someone ................................... 68 Chapter 18 Away From It All ............................................ 73

Chapter 1 Three Bodies The man who was waiting on the shore looked like a farmer. He wore the right kind of clothes, and his van, which was parked on the dirt roadabove the beach, was suitably covered in mud. It was midnight on the first Monday in October, and for the next thirty minutes he had to wait there. He stared out to sea. He was alone, as he knew he would be; it was planned that way. This beach was always empty at this time of night. No cars drove along the dirt road. The clouds were low and thick. It would be difficult to see the boat until it wasclose. That was planned as well. After he had waited twenty minutes he heard the sound of a quiet engine from the water and then saw a black rubber boat, low in the water, approach the shore. The engine stopped when the boat was about thirty feet from the shore. The farmer looked around. There were no people, no cars. He carefully put a cigarette in his mouth and started to smoke it. A man's voicecame from the boat on the water: 'What kind of cigarette is that?' 'Lucky Strike,' the farmer answered. Satisfied, the man in the boat asked, 'Luke?' 'Sam,' replied the farmer. The man in the boat was Khamel, not Sam, and Luke knew it. Luke had often heard of Khamel, but he was not sure that they

had met before. Khamel had many names and many faces, and he spoke several languages. He was themost famous and most feared killer in the world. He was the best. At first, twenty years ago, he had killed for political reasons, but now he would kill anyone, anywhere, if the money was right. Luke was excited. Khamel was going to be working in America. He wondered who was going to die. Whoever it was, the killing would be quick and clean, and there would be no clues. At dawn, the stolen vanstopped at a hotel in Georgetown, part of Washington, DC, the political capital of the United States of America. Khamel got out of the van without a word to Luke. They had not spoken throughout the journey, and Luke had been careful not to look at Khamel. He didn't want to die; he didn't want Khamel to think he could recognize him. The room in the hotel was ready, of course. The curtains were tightlyclosed. The car keys were on the table. The gun was in a briefcase next to the bed. He had received three million dollars already for this job. He would phone his bank in three hours to ask whether the next four million had arrived. While he waited, he practised his English in front of the mirror. The job would be over by midnight tonight, so another three million would reach his bank by midday...
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