The Portrait Of Dorian Grey

Páginas: 4 (934 palabras) Publicado: 4 de diciembre de 2012
Vane and selfishness is a bad combination, and when this combination remains in one person it is terrible for the others. Thinking about growing old and wrinkle does not leave smooth feelings, but,could you give your soul for living beautiful and young forever?
Oscar Wilde
Macmillan Readers
Main characters:
Basil Hallward
Lord Henry Wotton
Dorian Gray
Sybil Vane
Edition year:
Numberof pages:
The picture of Dorian Gray
The story begins in London, in a studio. Lord Henry, better know as Harry, and Basil Hallward are very closed friends. They both went to the same college, theOxford University. Lord Henry is very rich, and Basil is an artist. They are looking to the same thing, a portrait of a beautiful man, Basil is painting it and Harry tells him that it is his best job sofar. Harry wants to know who the handsome man in the picture is, but Basil does not want to tell him. After a few tries, Henry convince Basil to say who the man in the portrait is. Basil tells Henrythat his name is Dorian Gray, and that he had met him in a party. Henry recommends Basil to show the portrait in an art gallery but Basil does not want to do it. Later, Dorian arrives to Basil´s studioand meets Henry. Basil keeps painting Dorian and time later he takes a break and goes out with Henry.

Henry talks to Dorian and tells him that youth is very valuable, because when you grow youbecome ugly and wrinkle, and that he has to take advantage of his life while hi has it. When the painting was done and Dorian saw it, he was happy at first, but then he remembered what Harry had said. Hewas sad because he did not want to be old and wrinkle, and jealous, because he tought that the picture was going to be young and beautiful for ever and he was going to be ugly and old. Dorian tellsHenry and Basil he wants the portrait to grow old instead of him. He says he could give his soul in order for that to happen. Henry and Basil laughed about it, which made Dorian very angry. Basil...
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