
Páginas: 3 (655 palabras) Publicado: 3 de abril de 2011
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a classic horror story. Dr Jekyll
is a kindly old doctor, with two very old friends, Utterson
and Lanyon. Mr Hyde is a smaller, younger man, with
a capacity for evil thatseems to emanate from him and
repels everyone he meets. But there are links between
them. Hyde gives the family of a child he has beaten
a cheque signed by Jekyll. Hyde has a key to the backentrance to Jekyll’s house, and Hyde can come and go at
will and give orders to Jekyll’s servants. Most disturbing of
all for Mr Utterson, Dr Jekyll’s lawyer, is the doctor’s will,
which leaves all thedoctor’s money to Hyde should the
doctor disappear for three months or die. Clearly, Hyde
has some power over the doctor, and the lawyer fears he
may murder him for his money.
Gradually, Hyde’sacts of cruelty get worse, culminating
in the murder of a famous man. Finally, we learn the
truth about the two men. They are one and the same.
Jekyll has been conducting experiments to release theevil
man inside his good self, but the experiments get out of
control. Mr Hyde emerges at will and it takes stronger
doses of chemicals to return to the form of Jekyll. Jekyll
runs out of chemicalsand Hyde emerges forever, only to
kill himself before he can be captured.
Chapters 1–3: On one of their regular walks through
London, Mr Enfield, Mr Utterson’s friend, points out a
door to adark, ugly house. He then tells Utterson a story
about something that happened to him when he was on
his way home one night at three o’clock in the morning.
He saw an ugly, little man step on a childand then walk
away. Enfield ran after the man and caught him. The
crowd of people that had gathered around the little girl
were very angry and demanded money from the little
man, whose name was MrHyde. Hyde went through
the door to an ugly house and came back with a cheque
signed by another man, who Enfield knew to be kind and
famous for his work. Enfield doesn’t say who this man is,
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