Términos En Ingles...

Páginas: 15 (3559 palabras) Publicado: 24 de febrero de 2013
1) Accounting :
Is the backbone of business. Ethical and professional accounting forms a clear financial image of a business, and allows managers to make informed decisions, keeps investors abreast of developments in the business, and keeps the business profitable. It is also one of the oldest professions; businesses have been practicing accounting for thousands of years. Cuneiform tablets fromthe fertile crescent, for example, show clear evidence of accounting practices.
2) Shareholder :
A shareholder or stockholder is an individual or institution (including a corporation) that legally owns any part of a share of stock in a public or private corporation.
3) Creditor:
A creditor is a person or entity that is owed money by another person or entity (i.e. debtor). For example, abank or a company that gives out mortgage loans is a creditor. In this case, the creditor is loaning money in exchange for collecting interest payments on the principal. An investor that holds a bond is also considered a creditor.
4) Tax advisor:
A tax advisor is a financial expert specially trained in tax law. Some countries require tax advisors to verify the balance sheets of companiesabove a certain size. Individuals usually require tax advisors to minimize taxation, to avoid learning the details of tax law in complicated financial situations themselves or to learn the details of tax law from a professional advisor.
5) Audit:
The general definition of an audit is an evaluation of a person, organization, system, process, enterprise, project or product. The term most commonlyrefers to audits in accounting.
6) Internal auditing:
Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.Internal auditing is a catalyst for improving an organization’s effectiveness and efficiency by providing insight and recommendations based on analyses and assessments of data and business processes. With commitment to integrity and accountability, internal auditing provides value to governing bodies and senior management as an objective source of independent advice. Professionals called internalauditors are employed by organizations to perform the internal auditing activity.
7) Client:
A client is the requesting or user in a client/server relationship. A person, who is receiving the benefits, services or buy products of market.
8) Accounting cycle:
The name given to the collective process of recording and processing the accounting events of a company. The series of steps beginwhen a transaction occurs and end with its inclusion in the financial statements.
9) Credit:
Reputation for solvency and integrity entitling a person to be trusted in buying or borrowing: You should have no trouble getting the loan if your credit is good. An arrangement for deferred payment of a loan or purchase.
10) Depreciation:
The reduction in value of a fixed asset due to use,obsolescence, etc. Example: using a computer, after of 5 years, means that you will reduce the computer value.

A reduction made from the gross amount or value of something: as a: a reduction made from a regular or list price: a proportionate deduction from a debt account usually made for cash or prompt payment b: a deduction made for interest in advancing money upon or purchasing abill or note not due.
12) Accounting Equation:
The 'basic accounting equation' is the foundation for the double-entry bookkeeping system. For each transaction, the total debits equal the total credits.
Assets = Liabilities + Capital
13) Bill of Sale:
A bill of sale is the contract that's used most often for a car or other goods that are bought and sold. A bill of sale is a record...
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