
Páginas: 3 (620 palabras) Publicado: 10 de noviembre de 2012
Today we are going to talk about an important unsolved mystery that all of us have hear about it
El 4 de abril Ciro Castillo Rojo y Rosario Ponce López desaparecieron en el valle delColca. Trece días después la joven fue hallada por un grupo de socorristas cerca del nevado Bomboya. Su compañero hasta el momento continúa como no habido.
¿why they traveled alone to colca´scanyon?
Although many people have asked this question, the fact is that there is still no answer. Ciro's father said his son had already gone before the area and had general knowledge of survival sincehe was studying engineering forest.
However, this is not a strong argument for two young people have decided to go on an adventure, because while several tourists can make the journey from Madrigalto Tapay (place where they were going), walking or cycling for several hours these are usually done in groups and accompanied by guides, because the area is wild.
ESPECULATIONS OF DAYANA AND CINDY:-D: Why do you think why they travel alone to the Colca?
C: In my opinion they might have wanted privacy because at this way they could relax and enjoy the nature
D: Yes, and also this trip couldhave been a support for their studies of forest engineering
El brigadista Martín Cuentas, que participó en la búsqueda de los universitarios, señaló que Rosario lehabía dicho que se separaron pues ella se sentía mal, e incluso habría llegado a vomitar sangre, por lo que decidió quedarse en un refugio mientras él iba por ayuda.
Sin embargo, la madre de Ciro,Rosario García Caballero, reveló en una conversación telefónica que la joven le dijo que su hijo se alejó de ella para ver de dónde provenían unas luces, que probablemente dirigían a un pueblo. Pero élnunca volvió.
C: So Dayana if you were Ciro why did you keep away from Rosario?
D:Well, If I were him, I might have had intentions to find some help but I don’t believe that Ciro...
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