Verbos En Ingles

Páginas: 80 (19902 palabras) Publicado: 17 de febrero de 2013
Los verbos en inglés más importantes son: El verbo "to be", el verbo "to
have", los verbos modales: "can, could, may, might, should, must, ought to" y
los verbos auxiliares: "will" y "would". Aquí encontrarás ejemplos de esos
verbos traducidos al español.
Verbos Primarios
Verbo "to be" - ser o estar I am / I was / I have been / I had been / I will be /
… Verbo "to have" - haber o tener Ihave / I had / I have had / I had had / I
will have / …
Verbos Modales
Can - puedo I can dance. Could - podría / pude / podía / pudiera I could dance
if I could practice. May - podría / quizás / puede que It may rain today. Might
- podría / quizás / puede que They might come tomorrow. Must - debo / debo
de I must go. - She must be crazy. Should - debería / tendría que I should
study more.Ought to - debería / tendría que I ought to study more.
Verbos Auxiliares
Will - (convierte en futuro al verbo que le sigue) I will speak English. Would (convierte en potencial al verbo que le sigue) I would speak English.
Los tiempos verbales del inglés en voz activa (presente, pasado, futuro,
condicionales, etc.) con ejemplos traducidos al español.
Present - What happens? I work - I am workingPresent Perfect - What has
happened? I have worked - I have been working
Past - What happened? I worked - I was working Past Perfect - What had
happened? I had worked - I had been working
Future - What will happen? I will work - I will be working Future Perfect What will have happened? I will have worked - I will have been working
Future (going to) - What is going to happen? I am going towork - I am going
to be working Future Perfect (going to) - What is going to have happened? I
am going to have worked - I am going to have been working

Future in Past - What was going to happen? I was going to work - I was going
to be working Future Perfect in Past - What was going to have happened? I
was going to have worked - I was going to have been working
Conditional - What wouldhappen? I would work - I would be working
Conditional Perfect- What would have happened? I would have worked - I
would have been working
Modals - What (could, must, should, …) happen? I (could, must, …) work - I
(could, must, should, …) be working Modals + Have - What (could, must,
should, …) have happened? I (could, …) have worked - I (could, must,
should, …) have been working
Imperatives -Make it happpen! - Let's make it happen! Work!. Let's work!
Todos los tiempos verbales del inglés en voz pasiva con ejemplos traducidos
al español.
Present - What is done? The car is washed Present Perfect - What has been
done? The car has been washed
Past - What was done? The car was washed Past Perfect - What had been
done? The car had been washed
Future - What will be done? The car will bewashed Future Perfect - What will
have been done? The car will have been washed
Future (going to) - What is going to be done? The car is going to be washed
Future Perfect (going to) - What is going to have been done? The car is going
to have been washed
Future in Past - What was going to be done? The car was going to be washed
Future Perfect in Past - What was going to have been done? Thecar was going
to have been washed
Conditional - What would be done? The car would be washed Conditional
Perfect - What would have been done? The car would have been washed
Modals - What (could, must, should, …) be done? The car (could, must,

should, …) be washed Modals + Have - What (could, must, should, …) have
been done? The car (could, must, should, …) have been washed
Los"conditionales" son ciertas estructuras del inglés en las cuales, si cierta
condición, situación o circunstancia es verdadera, entonces sucede un
resultado específico. Aquí veremos varios tipos usuales de "condicionales"
Zero Conditional - (Type Zero) - Situación siempre verdadera If you freeze
water, it turns into ice. First Conditional - (Type I) - Situación real o posible If
it rains today, I'll stay...
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