Visual Basic Tabla Key Ascii

Páginas: 3 (574 palabras) Publicado: 9 de julio de 2012
0       NUL (null) / Ctrl+Shift+@ |
1       SOH (start of heading) / ☺ / Ctrl+A |

2       STX (start of text) / ☻ / Ctrl+B |
3       ETX (end of text) / ♥ / Ctrl+C |

4       EOT (end oftransmission) / ♦ / Ctrl+D |
5       ENQ (enquiry) / ♣ / Ctrl+E |

6       ACK (acknowledge) / ♠ / Ctrl+F |
7       BEL (bell) / • / Ctrl+G |

8       BS (backspace) / ◘ / Ctrl+H |
9      TAB (horizonal tab) / ○ / Ctrl+I |

10      LF (NL line feed, new line) / ◙ / Ctrl+J |
11      VT (vertical tab) / ♂ / Ctrl+K |

12      FF (NP form feed, new page) / ♀ / Ctrl+L |
13      CR(carriage return) / ♪ / Ctrl+M |

14      SO (shift out) / ♫ / Ctrl+N |
15      SI (shift in) / ☼ / Ctrl+O |

16      DLE (data line escape) / ► / Ctrl+P |
17      DC1 (device control 1) /◄ / Ctrl+Q |

18      DC2 (device control 2) / ↕ / Ctrl+R |
19      DC3 (device control 3) / ‼ / Ctrl+S |

20      DC4 (device control 4) / ¶ / Ctrl+T |
21      NAK (negative acknowledge) / §/ Ctrl+U |

22      SYN (synchronous idle) / ▬ / Ctrl+V |
23      ETB (end of trans. block) / ↨ / Ctrl+W |

24      CAN (cancel) / ↑ / Ctrl+X |
25      EM (end of medium) / ↓ / Ctrl+Y |26      SUB (substitute) / → / Ctrl+Z |
27      ESC (escape) / ← / Ctrl+[ |

28      FS (file separator) / ∟ / Ctrl+\ |
29      GS (group separator) / ↔ / Ctrl+] |

30      RS (recordseparator) / ▲ / Ctrl+Shift+^ |
31      US (unit separator) / ▼ / Ctrl+Shift+_ |

32      Space |
33      ! |

34      " |
35      # |

36      $ |
37      % |

38      & |
39     ' |

40      ( |
41      ) |

42      * |
43      + |

44      , |
45      - |

46      . |
47      / |

48      0 |
49      1 |

50      2 |
51      3 |

52      4 |53      5 |

54      6 |
55      7 |

56      8 |
57      9 |

58      : |
59      ; |

60      < |
61      = |

62      > |
63      ? |

64      @ |
65     ...
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