Vocabulario ingles

Páginas: 3 (531 palabras) Publicado: 14 de julio de 2010
An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words. An adjective often precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies.  In the followingexamples, the highlighted words are adjectives:
The car-shaped balloon floated over the treetops.
Mrs. Smith papered her living room walls with hideous wall paper.
The large boatfoundered on the wine dark sea.
The coal mines are dark and dank.
Many stores have already begun to play irritating Christmas music.
A battered music box sat on the mahogany sideboard.The back room was filled with large, green rain boots.

|Appearance |Appearance |Condition |Condition |Feelings (Bad) |Feelings (Bad)|
|  |Contd. |  |Contd. |  |Contd. |
|  |  | |  |  | |
|adorable |glamorous |alive |impossible |angry|grumpy |
|adventurous |gleaming |annoying |inexpensive |annoyed |helpless |
|aggressive |gorgeous|bad |innocent |anxious |homeless |
|alert |graceful |better |inquisitive |arrogant|hungry |
|attractive |grotesque |beautiful |modern |ashamed |hurt |
|average |handsome|brainy |mushy |awful |ill |
|beautiful |homely |breakable |odd |bad...
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