
Páginas: 7 (1672 palabras) Publicado: 29 de junio de 2011
Name: Gabriela Beatriz Villa Varela
Teacher: Ricardo Marenco
Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | Traslation | Sentence | Picture |
Corn | Corn | Noun | Maiz | I love eat corn | |
Broccoli | Brocli | Noun | Brocoli | I love cook broccoli | |
Cauliflower | Coliflawer | Noun | Coliflor | I love eat cauliflower | |
Spinach | Spinec | Noun | Espinaca | Ilove eat spinach | |
Parsley | Parsli | Noun | Perejil | I love eat parsley | |
Asparagus | Osparagus | Noun | Esparragos | I hate eat asparagus | |
Eggplant | Egplant | Noun | Berenjena | I hate eat eggplant | |
Lettuce | Lerus/Letus | Noun | Lechuga | The Lettuce is green | |
Cabbage | Cabash | Noun | Repollo | I don’t like cabbage. | |
Bokchoy | Bokchoi | Noun | Col chino |Bokchoy it’s a good vegetable | |
Garlic | Garlic | Noun | Ajo | Garlic smells bad. | |
Pea | Pi | Noun | Guisante | Peas are considered to be a vegetable in cooking. | |
String bean/ Green bean | String bin/ grin bin | Noun | Judia Verde | I don’t like green beans | |
Tomato | Tomeito | Noun | Tomate | The tomato fruit is consumed in diverse ways. | |
Carrot | Carot | Noun |Zanahoria | The Carrot is orange. | |
Radish | Radish | Noun | Rabano | I don’t like radish. | |
Mushroom | Moshrum | Noun | Hongo | A mushroom typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source. | |
Artichoke | Artichouk | Noun | Alcachofa | I don’t like to eat artichoke | |
Potato | Poteito | Noun | Papa | I like potatos. | |
Sweet potato | Suit poteito | Noun | Camote | Thesweet potato Its large, starchy, sweet tasting tuberous roots  | |
Onion | Onion | Noun | Cebolla | The onion makes us cry. | |
Beet | Bit | Noun | Remolacha | The Beet is purple. | |
Scallion | Scalion | Noun | Cebollin | I don’t like scallion | |
Cut | Cot | Verb | Cortar | First, you have to cut the potatoes, if you want to make French fries. | |
Chop | Chop | Verb | Picar/Cortaren trozos pequeños | I like to chop the onions. | |
Slice | Slais | Verb | Rebanar | We have a slice of orange to eat. | |
Grate | Grait | Verb | Rallar | We have to grate the cheese for the pizza. | |
Peel | Pil | Verb | Pelar | You have to peel the tomato before you add it to the salad. | |
Break | Breik | Verb | Quebrar | I break the vase | |
Beat | Bit | Verb | Batir | Youhave to beat the eggs. | |
Stir | Stir | Verb | Remover/Revolver | You have to stir the milk. | |
Pour | Pur | Verb | Verter | I have to pour the water in the glass. | |
Add | Ad | Verb | Añadir | You have to add sugar in the juice. | |
Combine | Combain | Verb | Combinar | You can combine the strawberries with the chocolate. | |
Mix | Mics | Verb | Mezclar | You have to mix thescream with the milk, to do a milkshake. | |
Put | Put | Verb | Poner | Put the newspaper on the table. | |
Cook | Cuk | Verb | Cocinar | I love to cook pizza. | |
Bake | Beik | Verb | Hornear | You have to bake the cake. | |
Boil | Boil | Verb | Hervir | You have to boil the soup. | |
Broil | Broil | Verb | Asar a la parrilla | You have to broil the meat. | |
Steam | Stim | Verb |Cocer al vapor | I like to steam the vegetables. | |
Fry | Frai | Verb | Freir | I love to fry the chicken. | |
Saute | Sout | Verb | Saltear/Sofreir | I like to saut the rice. | |
Simmer | Simer | Verb | Hervir a fuego lento | You have to simmer the meat. | |
Roast | Roust | Verb | Asar a las brasas | I like to roast the chicken. | |
Barbecue/Grill | Barbikiu | Verb | Parrillada| I love to make barbecues. | |
Stir Fry | Stir Frai | Verb | Salteado | I like to stir fry the chicken. | |
Microwave | Maicroweiv | Noun | Micro-ondas | Sometimes I use the microwave to cook. | |
Rent | Rent | Noun | Renta | I don’t like to pay the rent. | |
Mortgage Payments | Mortgash peiments | Noun | Pago de hipoteca | I don’t pay mortgage. | |
Electric Bill | Electric bil |...
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