Vol cilindro en java

Páginas: 2 (298 palabras) Publicado: 3 de mayo de 2011
Blackberry disconnects people from the physical world around them

Nowadays, Blackberry is changing the form to communicate us, because it is a sophisticated and versatile device thatoffers utile applications in daily life in comparison with a common cell phone. However, it has a great disadvantage: disconnects people from the physical world around them, peopleskip the reality in chat or video games from BlackBerry.
First of all, a rigorous research was realized in Monterrey University by Hermelinda Leal Treviño where she founds the principalconsequences in the psychological field to use in excessive form BlackBerry as: stress, anxiety and dependency stimulus for it, thus the person needs always the BlackBerry in manyoccasions it doesn´t use it.
Also, the statics demonstrates that exists a tendency (77%) in the teenagers in Messenger BlackBerry and social networks because, it had had around 10000applications and the most popular are them; for example: “A student has 26 friends in BlackBerry, where just talks with 13 contacts” hence, it has bad use in teenagers while entrepreneurs andinvestors need it in their jobs.
In contrast, this obsession might to be improved if, the addict person changes its habits, for example: disconnects it in the job or classes; people thinkthat leave the BlackBerry is impossible for experiences themselves.
Finally, the BlackBerry is an obsession actual by the teenagers, as any vice is dangerous for physic and mentalhealth, I recommend don’t abuse it because, we in short-term can risk our life, is more import the real life than the virtual reality.http://www.ultimasencuestas.com/problemas-de-adiccion-por-el-uso-de-blackberry/
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