Women's role in the 1800's

Páginas: 2 (451 palabras) Publicado: 25 de mayo de 2010
Sandra Guzman 2nd period
American Literature
Women’s Role in the 1800’s
During the 1800’s women were considered to be unequal to their male companions legally and socially. Women werestuck in the Cult of Domesticity which was a way to show how middle and upper class white women were viewed as. These women had four virtues which were Piety, Purity, Submission and Domesticity. Thesevirtues were stressed on by ministers in sermons. Women were expected to gain the values of stability, morality, and democracy by making the home a special place. Therefore women were expected to takecare of the house, their children and their husband; even girls had to learn how to take care of the household at an early age. Since in the 1800’s the husband had legal authority over their wifewhich meant that the woman was under the control of the man. Since the man owned her wife, Women had little respect in their culture, however as women pursued their cause for equal rights, many men beganto see women as their equals. This gained them greater respect to their culture.
The rights that an 1800’s women had were the right to love, whom others scorn,
The right to comfort and tomourn, the right to shed new joy on earth, the right to feel the soul's high worth, such woman's rights a God will bless and crown their champions with success. At that time they didn’t have theright to vote therefore the Susan B. Anthony got arrested for civil disobedience since she was attempting to vote for the presidential elections unfortunately women of her time didn’t gave importance onvoting but it inspired future generations for the fight of equal political opportunities for women in America. Therefore women got their 19th amendment women’s suffrage which brought equalopportunities for women in the 1800’s.
Since women were expected to be a house keeper they were expected for the house to be clean and pleased their husband. Dinner should be ready by the time their...
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