World history

Páginas: 29 (7024 palabras) Publicado: 29 de enero de 2012
History Guide

How is prehistory divided?
Paleolithic Period: This means Old Stone Age, is a period of humans history in which humans used simple tools.
Mazolithic: that means middle Stone Age. In this time a lot of changes in climate occurred and humans had to adapt to them.
Neolithic: that means new Stone Age, is a period in which humans passed from hunting animals andgendering of food to the keeping of animals and the growing of food. This change is known as a Neolithic revolution.
Nomads: people who moves from place to place
Systematic Agriculture: growing food in regular bases (grew – eat – plant)
Domestication: adaptation of human use of animals.
*When people dominated systematic agriculture and domestication they became sedentary.
Make a chart ofhow activities were before Neolithic revolution and how were after it.
Before the Neolithic Revolution | After the Neolithic Revolution |
Te role of men was hunting | Men were in charge of domestication and harvest |
The role of women was gathering food | Women were in charge of children and preparing food. |
Roles were distributed by: * Experience * Strength | Roles were distributedby: * Abilities |
Social organization: based on how successful the members of the group were | Social organization Te runners & prisants on the top.Bellow artists, farmersBellow slaves (not all the civilizations= |
Activities: hunting, looking for food & shelter | Their activities were agriculture, housekeeping, building shelters & recreative activities |
No permanentsettlements | Permanent settlements with an organized location usually next to rivers or water. |
| Religion was polytheistic |
| Formal artistic activities |

Which were the consequences of the Neolithic revolution?
Labor division (economic) writing, cities, religion, culture, social organization, political organization
Early Civilizations:
Make a chart of the main characteristics of earlycivilizations.
| Localization | Economic activities | Political Organization | Social organization | Religion | Achievements |
Mesopotamia | Between Tigris and Euphrates rivers | Farming, building trail, industry | theocracy: government with divine authority | Nobles commones and slaves | Polytheistic | Cuneiform writing, wagon wheel, potter’s wheel, arch for construction, number system basedon 10, geometry to measure buildings |
Egypt | Along the Nile river | Trail agriculture & metal work | Dynasty, the ruler was a pharaoh | Good and the king, nobles and priest, merchants artist, tax collectors, slaves | polytheistic | Pyramids, mummification, mathematics ( geometry, area and volume) 365 days calendar |
India | Ganges & Indus river | Farming agriculture trail metal,works, wood cutting and seed trait | Theocracy | Caste system | Hinduism and Buddhism | Books they consider earth rotated on its axes and revolved around the sun. Decimal system, concept of cero. |
China | Yantze River and Yellow river | Farming and trail | Dynasty with a king and aristotic war lords | King, aristotic war lords, land lords, merchants and peasants slaves. | Supernaturalforces, life after dead veneration of ancestor, | Paper, silk, printing, pictographic and ideographic writing. |

Ancient Civilizations:
How Greek civilization did was origin? It was developed towards 1500 B.C. when groups of Indo-European language that come from central Europe explore and conquer the people that were settled there. The fusion of both civilizations gave origin to the Greekcivilizations.
Which were the most important Greek city-states? Athens in which there were political, cultural and religious activities with a democratic government in which women and slaves were excluded and not considered citizens. And Sparta city that was focused in a military discipline.
Who was Alexander the great? In the year 359 B.C Philip king of Macedonia conquered Greek city-states. His son...
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