Yami : )

Páginas: 3 (531 palabras) Publicado: 13 de noviembre de 2012
Trabajo de ingles

History of Halloween

Answer the following question with information found at:http://www.theholidayspot.com/halloween/history.htm

1.                What does theword “Halloween” mean? _____________________________________

2.                Roman Catholics, Episcopalians and Lutherans used to observe All Hallows Day to honor____________________________________________________________

3.                Pope Boniface IV introduced All Saints' Day to replace __________________________.

4.                When was this festival observed?________________________________________.

5.                Who celebrated "Samhain" (pronounced "sow-in")? _____________________________.

6.                Most of the customs connected withthe Day are remnants of the ancient religious beliefs and rituals, first of the _________________ and then of the _______________ who conquered them.


Answer the following questions withinformation found at:

7.                What did the Celts believed happened on the last day of October?____________________________________________________________

8.                In what century did the Christian church make November 1 All Saints' Day? _______________

9.                October 31, or the nightbefore took on other names, what were some of the other names that Halloween was called? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

10.             In Sicily, way of keeping the memory of their dead relatives and loved ones alive? ____________________________________________________________.11.             In Mexico, the celebrate ______________________________ which means____________________ which begins on the evening of _________________.

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