
Páginas: 2 (293 palabras) Publicado: 8 de febrero de 2012
Tag Questions 1
Present Tense/To Be Verb/Affirmative
When using tag questions, watch for 4 points: 
     * What tense is the verb? 
     * What kind of verb is it? (tobe/other verbs) 
     * Is the sentence affirmative or negative? 
     * Does the pronoun need to be changed? |
*present tense -> 
*to be verb -> 
*affirmative -> | *presenttense 
*to be verb 
*negative | Look at these changes: |
Jack's happy, | isn't he? | he is -> isn't he? |
Susan's tired, | isn't she? | she is -> isn't she? |
It's warm today,| isn't it? | it is -> isn't it? |
They're busy, | aren't they? | they are -> aren't they? |
You and I are fun people, | aren't we? | we are -> aren't we? |
You're quiet, |aren't you? | you are -> aren't you? |
I'm intelligent, | aren't I? 
am I not? | I am -> aren't I? 
I am -> am I not? |

Choose the correct tag to finish the sentence.1.Teresa is an accountant,___? 
aren't she?  doesn't she?  isn't she?   She isn't?   |
2. I am a good worker,___? 
I am?  do I?  amn't I?   aren't I?   |
3. Peirre is agrandfather,___? 
he isn't?   isn't he?  he is?  doesn't he?   |
4. Kate is a doctor, ___? 
she is?  is she?  doesn't she?  isn't she?   |
5. Jacques and Alicia are students, ___? aren't they?  are they?  isn't he?  isn't they?   |
6. Mario is at work right now, ___? 
aren't they?  isn't he?  is he?  isn't she?   |
7. I'm here, ___? 
am I not?   amnot I?  amn't I?  aren't you?   |
8. You and I are busy right now, ___? 
aren't I?  aren't we?  we aren't?  aren't you?   |
9. It's windy today, ___? 
am I?   aren't they? isn't it?  isn't he?    |
10. I am ready for the next exercise, ___? 
isn't it?  don't I?  aren't you?  aren't I?   |
| You havecorrect answers out 10 |
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas