A foreigner in australia

Páginas: 4 (959 palabras) Publicado: 22 de marzo de 2011
1. What does WWOOF mean, and how does it work?
Willing Workers On Organic Farms.
You can work on different spots no more than 4 hours and the boss give you where to stay at.

2. What did Antoniooffer Daniel and why was it such an excellent opportunity for him?
Antonio talked with the editor about what Daniel is going to do, and he was interested so he told him to work with the magazine,making pictures and the best thing, they can pay him.

Chapter 1
1. What were Daniel’s travel plans in Australia?
He wants to surf on Byron Bay, visit the Great Barrier Reef and Daintree forest.He also wants to go to Darwin, Adelaide and Melbourne.
2. Who did Daniel meet on the plane and what did he learn about her past?
He met a aborigine woman, she talked him about how much her famillysuffered because of the white people.
3. Who were the “stolen generation”?
They are aborigine childs, stolen from their parents by the white people to integrate them into the white people culture.
4.What does the phrase “a fair go for all” mean and why did Mr Rudd use it?
Means that everybody have the opportunity to creat something to be someone.
Mr Rudd use it because of the aborigine people.Chapter 2
1. Where did Rick take Daniel and why did Daniel object at first?
He took him to surf, Daniel objected at first because it was 6 am.
2. Describe the people in the café near the beach.There was all sorts of people, some wearing suits, wetsuit, others, mats...
3. Who is Sandy and what did she offer Daniel?
Shes is the coffe owner, and she offered to take Daniel on her boat onweekend.
4. What was unusual about the first performance at Sydney Opera House and what does it
show about de country?
Sydney Symphony Orchestra gave a concert for the 2,000 workers who built theOpera House. The workers were immigrants from Italy, Yugoslavia and many other countries. All of them dressed in their best costumes and brought their mothers, wives and girlfriends for the concert...
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