
Páginas: 3 (742 palabras) Publicado: 11 de octubre de 2012

1. Write two examples of ways that Frank Abagnale, Jr. successfully obtained identity informationto commit identity theft.

The first form was tricking a reporter posing as pilot to obtain information about permits and licenses of pilots possessing registration number, the second way was toseduce girls seemed nice and you can get information from them .

2. Write two factors in Frank’s home life that may have led him to his early life in crime.

When their parents take away all hismoney and property and they begin divorce proceedings their parents.

3. Why did the airlines have such a difficult time catching and prosecuting Frank for impersonating a pilot and forgingpayroll checks?

changes because the checks at various banks and takes into account the delivery time of each check and it gives you time to move from place to place also deceived women to cash thechecks without their security check seals.

4. How did Frank cheat on the Louisiana State Bar Exam?

Frank did not cheat, he study for two weeks for exam.

5. Do you believe that Frank having tochoose who he had to live with after his parents divorce started his criminal lifestyle? Why or why not?

Yes, because to avoid taking this decision, he decides to escape and him needs force tocommit a crime.

6. True or False: Frank did not start his criminal lifestyle until he was into his early twenties. Explain

False, because Frank start his criminal lifestyle approximately sixteenyears old.

7. True or False: Throughout the movie, Frank appeared to have a stronger relationship with his father than his mother. Explain.

True, because maybe Frank thought his father was not theblame for the divorce and also because he saw his mother with another man.

8. How did Frank get money throughout the movie without depositing checks into a bank account?

He changing the...
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