Acculturaton In Central America

Páginas: 2 (369 palabras) Publicado: 12 de octubre de 2011
Valeria Barquero 10-A
September 27, 2011
Acculturation Central America
Let’s suppose that a group of young people is talking in the middle of a street, and an old woman is passing inbetween. She will probably not understand what they are talking about.
Or the clothes that they are wearing are definitively different.
But why? Why don’t we have the same principles of some yearsago? Why the young people aren’t wearing the same clothes that the young people a long time ago? Why our culture is not the same that the culture of our grandparents?
It’s amazing how centroamericanpeople have lost its culture while changing it by another culture.
Families used to meet at a house once a week, to share the lunch all together and have a good time; but now people just don’t care ,families are more separated every time, and if they go together to eat, they will probably go to a transnational company instead of cooking.

We change our food for fast food, we change our dancesfor the USA dances, and our traditions aren’t ours anymore, they are the traditions of other more powerful countries.
Even our language is different, how can we use sentences such as –Hey hiciste lahomework? Does it have a meaning? What does it mean?
We have lost our language, the most important thing for humans, we are social creatures, we need to interact with other people, but we are doingit in a wrong way, we don’t even use our voices anymore. Everything is possible now technology is a big friend for humanity and is a very useful tool for our developing, but at the same time, we havelost all what we were. I can’t remember my life without the internet, but there’s something I’m sure, I was happier than now.
I didn’t notice when everything change, because it is happening slowly andsilent, but sooner or later we will lose our entire culture.
Our traditions are beautiful, our songs and dances are incredible, our culture is amazing, and we have to appreciate it and take care...
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