
Páginas: 5 (1010 palabras) Publicado: 2 de abril de 2012
Anejo C /Appendix C
AIDS is an infectious disease caused by a virus called Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV or HIV) virus or AIDS. An infectious disease is one that is caused by a germ that can spread from one person to another. A virus is a small infectious particle that can only live as a parasite of the body's cells, where it multiplies. Outside thecell survives with difficulty and for a short time.
How does HIV?
HIV is unique in that attack the cells that are the directors of our defense system. Initially HIV
lies dormant, ie "asleep" within the cell. In some cases, after a time, often years,
for reasons still not well determined, the virus becomes active, ie it "awakens" and begins to destroy lymphocytes. Thus, HIV progressivelyweakens the immune system, making our
body can not properly fight against various germs.
Do the same to be infected with HIV who suffer the disease of AIDS?
No. The fact that a person is infected with HIV, ie who carries the virus, does not mean it has or will have
AIDS, but it indicates that you can transmit the infection to others.
How is HIV transmitted?
It can be transmitted by 3routes:
Blood: through sharing of needles and syringes and / or any sharp object. During pregnancy and childbirth and by uncontrolled blood transfusions.
Sexual transmission: Sexual intercourse can transmit
HIV, whether homosexual or heterosexual. The passage of the virus was
done through microscopic injuries or wounds.
Perinatal transmission: A female carrier of HIV can
transmit theinfection to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth or
breastfeeding. This risk can be reduced substantially if the
woman is treated early in their pregnancy and avoid giving nursing her baby.
There is a risk No risk
Transmission from mother to unborn child infected Exchanged clothes, a handshake Transfusions of blood or blood products that are not controlled Studying, working or playing withinfected
Interchangeable brush teeth Shaking hands, kissing or hugging an infected Tattoo needles ithout
sterilizing Having sex using a condom Exchanged machine razor Drinking from the same glass
or bottle Having homosexual or heterosexual sex without condom Infected bathing (showers, swimming pools) Sharing needles and / or needles For insect bites
What does get tested?
To knowthat, if infected, you should not have sex without condoms or share needles.
To prevent pregnancy and, if not wanting to, for not feeding a baby. To begin receiving medical help. There are several drugs
to slow the development of the disease and improve quality of life.
What is the confirmation of the result?
The analysis of AIDS can be done only with your consent, is confidential andshould be confirmed.
Since the ELISA test is not specific to infection by HIV, your results should be confirmed with other tests.
After the AIDS antibody test, you will receive a positive or negative. The positive result is only
valid when confirmed.
If your HIV test is negative ...What does this result mean? means that chances are you do not
have contracted HIV infection. It is desirablethat this analysis is repeated at 4 months, if
he so directed. What is the "window period"? is time (approximately 2 to 6 months) that elapses from when a person is infected until the body creates antibodies to defend against HIV. How care? is important to always use condoms. If you keep having sex with a person living with HIV , whatever their sex, should repeat the test every 3 months, withoutforgetting the window period. Until you have completed the second analysis, if this was indicated, not let yor blood,semen or vaginal fluids come to others. Do not donate blood or organs.
If your HIV test is positive ... What does this mean?
A positive result means that it has developed the virus in your body. Who has the HIV virus does not mean that develop AIDS and become sick. A person can...
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