Arbol Genealogico

Páginas: 2 (431 palabras) Publicado: 26 de junio de 2012
This report presents a family tree of Theories, Concepts, Methodologies and Strategies for Change in the field of Development Communication presents a chronological evolution andcomparison of approaches and discoveries. The purpose of this report is to clarify the interpretations and applications of the theories, strategies and techniques most influential. The theory refers to setsof concepts and propositions that articulate relations among variables to explain and predict situations and results. Theories explain the nature and causes of a given problem and provide guidelinesfor practical interventions. The diagnoses of the problems become strategies, ie, specific action plans for program interventions using different techniques.
DEVELOPMENT What is a tree? A family treeor genogram is a graphic that shows kinship and transfer of hereditary traits through several generations in a family medical history shows us a family, one of its main purposes as it geneticabnormalities can know, and the odds on having one of these This as the name implies, it is usually in the form of a tree is constructed by specific symbols. Must have requirements such as: • Relationship:family relationships, blood and adoptions • Ascending: Relationship ascending (father, mother, uncles / aunts) • Descending: as are the sons / daughters, sons, grandchildren. What kinds of symbolshave? In a family tree using multiple symbols so that they can avoid confusion and easier location and relationships between people.
CONCLUSION What was expected of the project or its purpose wasfulfilled as this helped me to know about the features inherited from my grandparents and parents, family trees are a great way to learn about features, and also to know your medical history, for example, inmy family there is no syndrome or mutation, but helped me to know I have chances of having a pathology.
The graphical representation of family relationships can be simple or very complex. Started...
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