
Páginas: 5 (1232 palabras) Publicado: 16 de octubre de 2011
1. What is bullying?
A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending him or herself. It also is an aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions. Also it involves a pattern of behavior repeated overtime. Bullying involves an imbalance of power orstrength.
2. What are the 3 basics types of abuse? Explain
* Physical Abuse
The batterers may be acquaintances, sons, daughters, grandchildren, or others. Physical abuse that is perpetrated by spouses or intimate partners in order to gain power and control over the victim is described in the section on domestic violence. Indicators are signs or clues that abuse has occurred. Physical indicators mayinclude injuries or bruises, while behavioral indicators are ways victims and abusers act or interact with each other.
* Sprains, dislocations, fractures, or broken bones
* Burns from cigarettes, appliances, or hot water
* Abrasions on arms, legs, or torso that resemble rope or strap marks
* Internal injuries evidenced by pain, difficulty with normal functioning of organs, andbleeding from body orifices
* Bruises. The following types of bruises are rarely accidental:
* Bilateral bruising to the arms
* Bilateral bruising of the inner thighs
* "Wrap around" bruises that encircle an older person's arms, legs, or torso
* Multicolored bruises
* Injuries healing through "secondary intention"
* Signs of traumatic hair and tooth loss

*Sexual Violence and Abuse
Sexual violence and abuse can be extraordinarily difficult for victims to talk about because of the ways in which this type of violence often is perpetrated. This broad area of work includes:

* Sexual violence and abuse which occurs in a domestic setting
* Rape and sexual assault which occurs in a public place or non-domesticsetting.
* Sexual exploitation
* Prostitution and trafficking
* Childhood sexual abuse
Sexual violence and abuse is massively under-reported by both male and female victims. It has a devastating impact on victims, their families and friends and wider society. The impact is likely to affect mental, physical and sexual health.
* Psychological Abuse
It is the abuser’s use ofphysical and sexual force or threats that gives power to his psychologically abusive acts. Psychological abuse becomes an effective weapon in controlling a victim, because she knows through experience that her abuser will at times back up the threats or taunts with physical assaults. Some of the most common domestic psychological abuses are:
* Over possessiveness of the husband or the parents. Thevictim is forced to stay at home, is not allowed to socialize. Friends are also not allowed in the house.
* Physical or sexual abuse also leads to psychological abuse. Some men beat their wives regularly or over work them. The situation intensifies creating a feeling of insecurity. The victim can even hurt themselves.
* Men like to control everything, denying common privileges to theirspouse. Abusing, controlling finances, not letting her do a job, trying to scare her with something she has a basic scare of, are some of the ways in which women are generally psychologically abused.
3. Where does mostly takes place and why?
It claims the bullying mostly take place at school. Research shows that two to three times as many students are bullied at school compared to those who arebullied on the way to school. Approximately 40 to 75 % of bullying takes place during breaks, in the school yard, in the corridors, at recess, or in more secluded places, like bathrooms. It can also take place during classes unless the teacher is attentive and cracks down on any tendencies toward bullying. Information about bullying suggests that the reasons why students bully are those who...
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