Cap 1 ,2,3 The Beginnings Of Western Sciencie

Páginas: 4 (818 palabras) Publicado: 5 de septiembre de 2011
History of Science

The beginnings of Western Science. The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context. Prehistory to A.D. 1450. David C. Lindberg. TheUniversity of ChicagoPress. 2007.

Chapter 1
The concept of science has been used since antiquity and the Middle Ages and has been the basis for modern science. The prehistoric attitudes toward natureshow that they knew a lot about their environment, they didn’t have theoretical knowledge, they had the oral tradition so they didn’t have historical archives or scientific reports, and theirexplanations were based on their own experience, deity and causality. As a final point, preliterate people operated within a different linguistic and conceptual world, and with different purposes, and it isthe light of these that their achievements can be judged. To understand the development of science in antiquity and the Middle Ages, we must understand why the preliterate patterns were supplementedby a new conception of knowledge and truth. The first cause is the invention of writing that made new kinds of intellectual activity, the development of philosophy and science in the ancient world; andthe raise of them was since there was a good efficiency of the system of writing and the breadth of its diffusion among people mostly in Greece. The beginnings of science in Egypt and Mesopotamiawere firstly with the number system in Egypt, geometry and arithmetic. On the other part, the mathematical achievements in Mesopotamia were even superior. The Egyptian and Mesopotamian achievements to beconsidered are medical, astronomy, mathematics and healing arts, this offers us a hint of the beginnings of Western scientific tradition and a background against which to view the Greek achievement.Chapter 2
The mythological Greek culture shows that god and humans share a common history. The first Greek-speaking people who produced intellectual activity talked about the appearance of...
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